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Reaper - January

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Yeah, I'm seeing the same thing as you guys. Reaper jumped forward, just like you said, Eric, and now they're so bland and mundane. Almost fulfilling base cliche's. Bummer. They're a very hit or miss company, though, so there's still hope, but I wonder if the increased production costs have forced them to shift priority to maintain the same profit lines?

The best offerings above are the weapon packs and I have plenty of that stuff as it is.

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I purchased Harvey psyco killer from their last release. While it was a cool mini over all, chain saw and meat hook, my cast was crap. Big mold lines running down all sides, and the muscles that made it a pain in the ass to file them down without messing up the sculpt. The head seemed tiny for the body, and the overall detail was rather lacking. I prob could have sculpted it myself with some bubblegum. But I painted it up and gave to a buddy that loves slasher movies for Christmas and he loved it. So overall it was a fun gift, but not anywhere near the standard of Wyrd I've been spoiled with of late.

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BOO...the only line I will evan consider is Chronoscope! They have talented sculptor's, so why can't they sculpt worth a s@#*! They need to move up into the likes of Wyrd, Hell Dorado, Pulp City, Privateer Press, ect. Come on! You can do it!

I gotta say that I find PP's sculpts VERY variable in quality too. Yeah, they have some awesome stuff, but they also have things like *shudder!* the Gorax. Dunno about Pulp City, but Wyrd and Hell Dorado have quality, characterful stuff.

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