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New GW Orks

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Available from 3 January 2009 £14.70

The Fluff

The Orks call their ruling caste Nobz. Nobz are bigger and scarier than other Orks and revel in cruel or casual violence. Nobz lead by example, plunging into the thick of the fighting and breaking skulls left, right and centre. In this way each Nob acts as a sergeant-at-arms, champion, oppressor and role model for the Boyz they lead.

This box set contains five multi-part plastic Ork Nobz. This 104-piece set includes: 10 head variations, five different torso-fronts and five body variations allowing you to assemble a unique looking squad. Also included are a range of weapon options including: big choppas, power klaws, shoota/rokkit kombi-weapons, a shoota/skorcha kombi-weapon, sluggas and choppas. Additonally there are a host of extra components to allow you to further customise your squad, including parts to upgrade one of your Nobz to a Painboy and a Grot ammo runt. Models supplied with 40mm round bases.


Available on the 17 January 2009 £14.70

The Fluff

Stormboyz, the shock troops of many successful warbands, dedicate their lives to the time honoured martial disciplines of drilling, marching and hurtling through the air. To this end they go to war strapped to rokkit packs that, when activated propel their wearers forward on great tongues of oily black flame.

This box set contains five mulit-part plastic Ork Stormboyz, including: 10 head variations, five different torso-fronts and five body variations allowing you to assemble a unique looking squad. This set contains a host of accessories and additional parts allowing to further customise your squad, and even includes a Gretchin with his very own rocket pack. Models supplied with 25mm round bases.



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I played orks when I played 40k. I did have a lot of fun with them. Great personality and tactics. I almost miss it. Almost.

These guys look nice and fun. I'm surprised they released a stompa. I would think the whole fun around one of those would be building it all orky to your own style. I mean what’s the price tag on that thing?

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