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can you guys give me some hints on doing human flesh please, im having real issues at the moment getting the skin to come out right, im using the paints you get from GW so any hints would be great!

on a side not im playing a dragonborn in my current DnD game any idea where i could find a decent mini?

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Although I'm not as qualified as some of the fantastic painters here, my suggestion would be to add a little bit of fortress/codex grey to each flesh colour. That way it make the gw flesh tones look slightly less pink. The new washes are quite good for shading as well. The ogryn flesh is particularly good on flesh, and a little bit of the purple wash helps to add some depth. There are also some very good tutorials on CMON that look at flesh:




Hope that helps!

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There are a million and one recipes and formulas and I guess really it's a case of the effect you want to achieve...

The convict gunslinger was painted with GW paints starting with tanned flesh as a basecoat shading this with a combination of Liche purple /Dark Flesh and Catachan green, highlights were done by adding elf flesh and bleached bone to the base colour and introducing Space wolves grey at the latest stages... Careful with Elf flesh though it can go a funny orangey colour pretty darn quickly...

hope that helps...


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I have not used the GW paint line in a long time, but the general rule that I use for standard northern european skin tone is. I base coat with a middle brown, then I build up the flesh color with glazes of a dark tan flesh tone, I think dwarf flesh would be the GW version of this color. After I have the color to the level I like, I add a glaze of red in key spots, nose, ears, hands, elbo, and so on. The next step is to highlight with light flesh tone, I think the closest GW is elf flesh or pale flesh. The last step is to accent the highlights with a mix of pale flesh and white.

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cheers guys that actually helps alot :D i aint the greatest painter but i might post a mini or two that i have painted recently. i think im definitly an aerage painter of models, the type that get gamed with rather then looked at in a case kind of thing if that makes sense.

i bought three cracking mini's from wyrd today so i will try these techniques on them and some of my poor IG models :D

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Hells yeah splatt, Hang in there bud. I know for myself as an average painter it can get a bit intimidating and frustrating trying to replicate some of the finer painters stuff. But were all in it for the same love of it, so stay up and enjoy. I'm about finished with my gunslingers so please post some pics!

I'll show you mine if youe show me yours :P:

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yeah anytime you need any help bob it on these boards there are some great guys around here always willing to help..

You can host the pics in a photobucket or other image hosting site and add links in the forum threads ..

or you have a gallery on this site and can upload there.. go the gallery page and there is an upload photos link..... hope that helps ..

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cheers for all the help guys :D i'll upload some pics to the gallery tomorrow but i'll say again my mini's are definitly average and more functional then showcase lol.

thanks for the links to the dragonborn duzzdan the problem i have with reaper mini's is firstly they aint as good as wyrds ;) but really there mail order costs are alot higher for international then any other site i have been on for mini's and i dont tend to have bulk orders for mini's to even it out.

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