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It's all Rituals fault - Hatherley

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My latest work - Hatherley from Hasslefree Miniatures. Ever since seeings Rituals fantastic version I knew I had to paint this sculpt :) Probably the most difficult part was coming up with a new color scheme and not just copying from Ritual ... but I think I did ok.

Actually i finished this miniature back in March but it was also an entry in an online competition at a german forum and I had to keep everything private until the results were published. The results are online now - I didn't win but I am still very happy that I managed to get an entry in at all ... the contest deadline was March, 31st - the day of my wedding! Hatherley was in progress for some time and I worked on this miniature whenever I could take a break from the wedding preparations (which meant a few minutes every couple of days). As it turned out I was home alone the evening before the wedding. Throwing all plans I had for the miniature over board (freehand + weathering on the cloth) I took the chance to finish something for the contest (and distract me from my growing nervousness ... ). Oh well, enough babbling for now ... ;)

Obviously not as good as Rituals version, I am still happy with the result:




And if anybody feels like voting, he is up on CMON too.

What do you think?

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Now, that's something I happily take the blame for! :)

I really like your version and I think the two-colour sceme for his tabard makes it a little more interesting than my version. If I should criticise something, I'd say that the metals could do with darker shading. But, the miniature looks great and I'm glad I could inspire you to paint it.

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Congrats on your marriage! And on painting such a fine looking miniature. I really like the two-colour tabard idea. Overall I think the painting on this is super. The boots are a little close in tone to the pants to my eye, and also the amount of rust on the weapon seems a little too much in terms of how clean the rest of the character is. (But you mentioned you had planned to do weathering on the clothes, so that might be down to time not allowing you to dirty up all the areas as you wished.)

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Thanks for the feedback :)

Ritual, I agree about the darker shading on the metallics, especially on the helmet. It does look darker in real, but it could still be darker.

Wren, when I decided to drop the idea of weathering the clothes I had to come up with something to convince myself that the dirty hammer and the clean rest of the miniature ... let's just say he entered a deep dungeon and lost his trusty axe/sword/mace during the first encounter in there. Fortunately there was that old rusty hammer lying on the ground nearby :whistle:

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Have to say this looks really smooth and cool. Like Wren said considering the rust levels on the hammer it might balance the story with a bit of dirt on the boots and tabard. But considering you finished this off before the wedding! Hand shake or what.It is fab and the gloves are great. (I had promised myself I would not comment on Minis until I had posted some but since this is so nice and clean I had to say well done).

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