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Tannhauser: Operation Novgorod

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The new minis look quite nice (especially the one in the middle) But as I played the game with a friend several times we were a little disappointed, because whoever played the Reich won the game.

("I can't see you... But I shoot you anyway"/"I strangle you with my lash"/"I cut you in a half with one hit"/"I roast your brain"... And I'll do all that without giving you the opportunity to shoot me with your flash guns...)

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The new minis look quite nice (especially the one in the middle) But as I played the game with a friend several times we were a little disappointed, because whoever played the Reich won the game.

("I can't see you... But I shoot you anyway"/"I strangle you with my lash"/"I cut you in a half with one hit"/"I roast your brain"... And I'll do all that without giving you the opportunity to shoot me with your flash guns...)

I thought that too, but if you flip the board over and play on the other map it changes the game dramatically. I've never actually won as the Reich on that side.

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I thought that too, but if you flip the board over and play on the other map it changes the game dramatically. I've never actually won as the Reich on that side.

You're right, my union wasn't slaughtered that badly when we played on that side (the second time we played the game) and I actually made my friend get quite mad about my flash guns (Oh, there goes Eva... And there goes your Stosstruppe). But we actually needed much more time to play that round because at some point the situation was just stuck and neither of us wanted to do something: He because his situation couldn't be better where he was and I because I couldn't go anywhere without getting myself killed or at least into serious danger. In the end neither of us really liked that side and so we played the mansion again and this time I played the Reich... And I slaughtered the Union even worse than he did...

Anyway, in my opinion that is just another side of the main problem of Tannhäuser: It just depends too much on what map you play and which faction you go for, and personally I'm not too keen on playing a game where the outcome is that predictable. (Which is quite sad as I really like the idea behind the game..)

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Until now we only played Deathmatch. The first two rounds were just to learn the basics and the third time was two weaks later and we wanted to get used to the rules again, but after the massacre I wrote about (he hardly even managed to hurt me while I ran around and killed everything I saw) my friend wasn't that motivated to play again so we just discussed about the problems and how to solve them... (The main idea was to remove all instant-kill weapons just to get the game last a little longer without getting stuck, but we haven't tried that out so far..)

But perhaps we'll just try it again and play another mode first. ^^

Oh and another thing: As far is I read and played, the combat packs seemed to be the best loadouts, is that different in other modes?

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Yeah, with just limited play on the other 'packs', we still felt the combat pack was the way to go. You can use customized packs, but doing that causes you to lose your 'special' item.

I really liked the 'insta-kill' as it makes fast and furious gameplay. Our best game in Deathmatch had me being the Union and my opponent the Riech....I was running and gunning....letting him close in with me. I killed almost everyone of his team...EXCEPT that freakin OZO guy. I had a 4 to 1 advantage. Then he used him from behind cover of walls and doors, picking my team off without ever allowing me to make a shot.....while frustrating, it was kind of a cool comeback. Had we played any other mode, (capture the flag, story mode) that 4-1 advantage would have held.

I haven't played in a few months now...I need to get back at it!

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As I said, we played the mansion twice and while he killed my Union he only lost his Schocktruppe and got his Heizinger and Zermann badly wounded... The other time I slaughtered him. ("Hey, behind that wall is their leader *bang*" "Look there's that dynamite woman *whip sound*" "Big... machine gun.... must... KILL *slice*") And because he didn't even managed to kill Eva while he had a very good chance to, (I had plenty of victory points...) he ended the game, having lost all of his heroes without dealing more damage than two wounds... Well, bad luck at some points, but being a bit unlucky shouldn't tip the odds that much in the opponent's favor.

Of course your variation is also an idea, but personally I don't like to play a game, where I'm just trying to cut my losses, knowing, that I'll lose eventually. (We do that everytime we play Doom already, but if you play with three marines it's at least a lot of fun ^^)

@supervike he, yeah, that can happen, too (imo Zermann is the best soldier anyway ^^) personally I also like the insta-kill weapons, but sometimes I thought that there where to many minis running around with them.

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