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$600 please!


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well they passed the economic "recovery" bill in the congress and Bush said he's signing it...so it looks like we get a little extra cash this year from the government! Now the economist in me would love to debate the policy decision and politics of it all...but I think we've all found forums like these an explosive place to mix with politics...so lets talk about spending money!!! They want us to spend it, so no one gets to save it...so what are you going to spend it on?

Me? I think it's going completely to the wedding...Casey's too, should help those bills a little bit (did anyone know weddings aren't cheap?!)

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It does always make me wonder why people love to spend that tax return money this time of year....

They do realize that this was the money the gave the government, interest free, to hold onto for them. Man, you'd do much better for yourself if you lowered the withholdings, transfered money right into an account, and then blew it at the end of the year....at least you could make some interest on it!!

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So its $1200 for a married couple and $300 per kid right?

For us it'll go into an account or possible towards something for the house as we get it ready to sell and put paint and new flooring in to get it where I think it should be. Of course by the time we get it probably already have that done so bank account it goes.

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just tell her that once she pays taxes, then she can use the rebate :)

and offer to let her pay her share of the families taxes...see if she still wants it!

what I don't get it that they make such a big deal of couples getting $1200 when a single person gets $600...because to me, with my basic math skills tells me $600x2=$1200...so it's not that special a deal really...

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Aww, Eric, now you just ruined it for Vikey, he thought he was getting a great deal!

Damn!! And I was all excited until just then!!

But! I'm wiley...I'll just tell my wife that the rebate is only 1000 for married couples, and pocket the 200 myself....

There are no holes in my plan, except I just hope she doesn't talk to anyone, read the paper, or actually check the mail!!

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