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New VC sneak peek's on Warseer

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Saw those earlier... I'm not thrilled! The vampires look like utter crap (the fact that they're armoured and wield swords doesn't help, but they're crap even if you overlook that...). The skellies are not very exciting either (though I'm very much aware of the difficulties to make skeletons look exctiting). Some of the skulls remind me of the bar-dwelling skeletons from Tim Burton's Corpse Bride and that's not really the right imagery for a scary, fear-inducing army.

The only thing that is exciting about these, IMO, is the cart. I like the design of the cart itself and the robed guy in the back, even though the corpses and the zombies (?) pulling it look a bit crap.

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I saw these on Halloween, and the pictures really don't do them justice! The skellies are far more in scale, as opposed to the current ones, which are the same size as humans, even without their flesh and skin! (although I have to agree with the horn musician, although ITS FANTASY! and if people are gonna nitpick about an animated skellies capacity to play the trombone (geddit!) then they may as well get funny about a skelly coming back to life anyway!

The corpse cart is amazing(and plastic too!), and I love the characters. There are some sexier stuff that hasn't been shown still to come though!

Roll on March!

Orks is best

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Saw them at GD winners day and gotta say I like em.. The skellies although never gonna float my boat as units as parts for bases etc are enough to get me nuying they actually look like they,ll fit in an empire soldier...

The characters have some really nice looks to them to and will be great fun to paint...

each to their own I guess.

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yeah those pics are pretty poor really the corpse cart is a lot better in the flesh and comes with a couple of options like a whip for the rider and a sort of corse light instead of the bell..

The Man Bat is a character and his bloody big....

The skellys are a lot better some have hollow skulls and there is a hollow ribcage

the ghouls are nice plastic again and other stuff

in fairness they are a cracking looking army ....

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