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WiP for GDUK


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Wow, a bit of lego hey! People find the coolest things in the strangest of places.

It would be a shame if toy didn't use this, as it suits the model really well and also goes with the tribal theme that you have set with the base and pygmy.

Although I am not 100% sure, I am fairy certain that someone won a demon using a Starwars toy as a base!!! It was in the UK competition in 2003 I believe. The piece was either diorama or open, and it was called Eldar Exodites. Had a few 54mm Eldar on a scenic base, and a pregnant female eldar sat upon one of those creature things that Jar Jar Binks race rode to war on in Starwars episode 1. My younger brother had the same toy, this guy just sculpted some bits on and won a demon.

I have actualy used a bit of technic lego for my 40k monster (will get pics up shortly), and I have no problems doing so. As for that bit about copyright laws, that doesn't add up to me- I could take a picture of you, and I would own the copyright to that picture- its free to do what I want with. If GW took a photo of some lego then GW would own the copyright of the photo, not lego.

I also would use it if the entry was mine, as the scource is that obscure I doubt it would get picked up on. The majority of the mini is still a citadel miniature with a simple weapon swap. The weapon still fits the GW universe and IP. Its not as if you are trying to enter a Rackham dwarf or Heresey Demon.

Just my tuppence worth. Had a look on the website, and there is nothing to say it can't be done, but also nothing to say it can. If the entry was mine, I would honestly go for it, but if you want to play it absolutley 100% safe then don't. Will send the weapone regardless so you have some options open to you.

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Once again I find myself agreeing with Dave. I think if this was a part from another miniature manufacturer's range you would get disqualified. But I think it coming from lego you would be ok.

Personally I am not to keen on it myself, it looks a bit 'soft'. I think Daves weapons look much better.

If you have any larger photos of your mini I would glady look at them for you, and spot any areas you may be able to improve. You have my email addy, and anything to help my ebay buddy. :)

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Yep I've just finished painting the rocks. Need to varnish then 'dirty' them up a bit. Planning on some 'clumps' of long grass - particularly around the carved posts. And I will probably add a little hairy grass too. I've had a go at some broad leafed plants & didn't like the effect so will probably drop that idea.

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