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Creepy and scary!

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I'd also like to give the writer of that article a good swift kick where it counts, just because of the "light-hearted" way he wrote about it.

"Gee, I'm going to take a story about somebody trying to get their ex brutally attacked and raped, and start it off with some funky illiteration! How many "H" words can I think of? Then I'll later add remarks about how he dresses. What a great idea!"


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The weird thing here is that his ex-mistress learned about the ad on the site.

So was this a site she frequented?

Why would one post such a plot on a site the victim visits?

Was this really revenge? or did the process begin before they fell out?

I'm just thinking.


Okay, I followed some other news sites and apparently he has confessed to police, though the details of his confession have been sealed by the court.

People can get vicious when angry.

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That beginning sentance does sound something like what Stan Lee would right.

"Spectacular Spiderman Surprises Songwriter Singing Sassafrass"

I wanted to be a journalist when I was younger...in fact before Geraldo Rivera became the mockery he is now, he was my role model....(He was a hard hitting investigatory reporter for 20/20 then)....I guess I am glad I didn't choose that path now...There is not real news anymore...just celebrity gossip and 'tantalizing' murder-sex stories. Disgusting.

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apparently the woman just googled her name to see what would come up and this popped up, good sometimes to keep track of what comes up when you search for yourself!

But yeah, this is stuff from TV, not from a business contact who we were working with several months ago. He even spoke at one of my companies events in December, less than 3 months ago...

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apparently the woman just googled her name to see what would come up and this popped up, good sometimes to keep track of what comes up when you search for yourself!
Yeah, my wife does that every week or so. I checked my name and almost all of it was me, and referred to a paper I had published about 9 years ago.
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I'm NOT a gay gamer!!!!!!

Turbine Games' Michelle Clay Bares All!

I don't think I want to Google my name anymore...:ahhhhh:

Was also sent this link by a friend HowManyOfMe Apparently according to that "there are 179 people in the U.S. named Michelle Clay."


P.S. Oh, Nathan, you don't really exist.

"There are 0 people in the U.S. named Nathan Caroland." :D

There is no spoon......

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The really funny thing is, if you google my wife's name you get tons of stuff. Something like half of it is her, but the other stuff is all things like lingerie shops.

She has what is considered a sexy name apparently.



I just googled her and it was all her this time.

I guess the sexy clothier closed.

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I come up far more as EricJ than Eric Johns. But there is another EricJ from california who is actually a rather well known comic book artist, so it's about 50-50 between the two of us.

I don't trust that name thing at all! I looked up my friend Jody, and it said that like 65% of people named Jody are male...and that's just not right.

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