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Music to sooth the savage painting beast

Guest Eastern Front Studios

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

What music do you guys listen to to get your painting mojo going? I will kick it off with a medley of a bit of everything really no certain thing really does it for me but heres a smattering:

Pearl Jam


almost anything from the 80's..this list is wayy to huge to list

Bob Marley

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

Vince someone told me once they liked to paint to talk radio..Opey and anthony maybe,..I think id be wanting to feed the minis to Rush Limbaugh about 5 min into it ;)

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

Vikey I will admit I do that also((tv/movies)) even if im not watching it but just listening..in my work room I have the pc to the front and the tv to the right , so something is constantly going if not both..but working and people im you can be annoying I find it best to do it with the pc off.even audio books is pretty good.

James I like Lil john but I feel like I wanna riot afterwards ;)

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Emily Autum, Spiderbait, English Beat, Police, Dresden Dolls, Tool, Mindless Techno, Nat King Cole, Zydeco, Pantera, Sepletura, L7, pretty much anything from the 80's ... I could go on.

Mainly though I listen these days while I'm working on one thing or another, answering e-mails, etc. I haven't picked up a paint brush in almost a year and a half.

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sometimes I do get the feeling that I am the only painter out there that actually does listen to rap while painting...and I don't mean the crap R&B they try to pass off as rap now days, real rap! Also I have a TON of DJ sets saved, which I throw on sometimes. I also often paint to TV, usually sports, Hockey recently, but baseball is great too since it doesn't demand much attention :D

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Normally, I put my audio books in the CD player while painting. I´ve got Lord of the Rings in German and English, The Hobbit, Dracula and some Lovecraft stuff.

If I put music in there, it depends on my mood and I prefer something slow while painting. Most of the time some experimental/industrial electro stuff gets selected then. I don´t know what would happen if I put more aggressive music on, CombiChrist for example. I guess I would screw the mini badly ...

Sometimes (I paint sitting at my desk) I have the PC running and a) listen to internet radio (www.digitalgunfire.com) or B) watch people playing bloodbowl online on fumbbl.com.

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Earlier TMO is quite good, I think, but the more recent albums are too trancey for my taste. Mlada Fronta is great, though, and I allready have most of his stuff! :)

I also listen a lot to bands from a Swedish label called Cold Meat Industry! Today I've been spinning Erotikon by Deutsch Nepal a lot!

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

sounds like we are as diversified in our music as our likes and styles of minis, someone mentioned sound tracks,.. one I have which is all pretty much instrumental is the soundtrack to "Conan the Barbarian" the first movie..more good ambient for painting or gaming..lots of horns and drums.here is a link so you can get a taste:


I searched for lustmord but couldnt find it.

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Wow, Lustmord is the scariest thing I have ever heard....

I listen to Progressive metal... and Folk Metal..

Like Rhapsody (Rhapsody of Fire now.. name change) and Fairyland (lame name, great music) they are both on iTunes.. - Progressive Metal

and Turisas and Korpiklaani.. Turisas is great battle music with tavern type songs.. with a metal feel...

Both great to paint with... or Enigma when I want quiet.


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I tend not to listen to metal or heavy rock when painting, I need calming down when painting, not geared up! I can get very irritated when painting if its not going my way and metal music just adds to the rage! there is nothing worse than painters rage, when the blending process goes horribly wrong.

If im listening to music I need to just have background music, either the radio or some poppy rubbish. Helps me concentrate!

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