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Dark Age green of a Forsaken model

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Okay, I've been watching Forsaken Ground since it's inception. Early on I decided that when the forum member count reached 30, I'd give -K- an exclusive for his devoted efforts. And I didn't tell him about this milestone either, to eliminate the temptation to pad fake users. icon_wink.gif Hey, I'm a suspicious git, what can I say?

Anyway, to get to the meat because that is what an exclusive is all about.

Today I'm going to show you a WIP green of an upcoming release for a future Forsaken Saint Mark box. This is not a replacement miniature, but an additional one.

I have to say, this sculpt is perhaps the sexiest female miniature I have seen. And I think I've seen pretty much all of them. This is a second sculpt of Saint Mark's Reaver and she is sculpted by the talented Kev White. I asked that she be mounted on this I-beam so that talented conversionists could easily remove her from her stock mount and impress with their creativity.

Note that in the final sculpt, the grass has been removed from the base of the I-beam.

Oh. I guess you want to see the mini now? icon_twisted.gif




So...who agrees that this is one helluva sexy mini??

AWEEEEEESOME! terrific and dynamic. And if that isn't a Kev White sculpt, then I am wearing a pink leather thong at the moment.

*checks his pants just to be sure:stoned:*

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Yes. I have a Shimmer ver.1 and she's tiny. Human Dark Age are 30-32mm scale. I would do a size comparison pic bit my only Dark Ages I have are Dragyri and they are massive (figuratively speaking)! I did have a St. Mary but gave her away.

So she might be posed similiar to Shimmer, but I would bet that she's a bit bigger.

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Hey gang. Been a long time since I visited so it's quite interesting to see a thread about Dark Age.

Cindy is correct, Reaver 2 is not a conversion. We commissioned Kev White to sculpt our new Reaver with a free reign on pose. He did an amazing job. So amazing that he decided to do a version for his own line. He actually did our Reaver months before doing Shimmer 2, but our releases are tied to development and we therefore, we can't just show them off when we get them like Kev can.

I'm glad you guys like her, she has my vote as the sexiest mini currently in circulation, that's for sure. Kev does know how to sculpt sexy women. :D

And Duende is also correct; Shimmer is slightly smaller in keeping with the different scales between HF and Dark Age.

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