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I agree about the zombie...

but the other one gets a resounding BOOO from me.

I love the idea of having the same character in different poses/sculpts etc. but HATE the idea of the company just reusing old sculpts with a new weapon....Hasslefree has a few of these, and I just don't like it.

In their defense, I believe that they had requests for that character with a sword.

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In their defense, I believe that they had requests for that character with a sword.

Exactly! Basically all of these alternative versions that are more or less conversions of old sculpts are done because enough people on the Forum of Doom have asked for it. Can anyone name other companies who serve their customers in that way?

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Exactly! Basically all of these alternative versions that are more or less conversions of old sculpts are done because enough people on the Forum of Doom have asked for it. Can anyone name other companies who serve their customers in that way?

Well don't get me wrong, I love Hasslefree's stuff...they are one of the best out there. BUT...if GW did that same exact thing, they would be blasted.

But, also its not like they don't put out quality stuff side by side with some of the rehashes. Points taken! Hasslefree gets the pass.

BUT (again with the buts) wouldn't you rather see a sword bearing Suzi in an alternate pose? Maybe looking a bit more frazzled that the original? It would be a great 'three piece' set. 1.Suzi with the uzi....runs out of shells in the heat of battle...egads theres lots of zombies to fight, I'll use this katana 2.Suzi with blade.....not such a good fighter eh? 3. zombified Suzi. MUCH more enjoyable that here is Suzi standing awkwardly with gun, here she is again, same exact pose, but now its a sword!

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I wouldn't mind a katana wielding Suzi in a different pose, but chances are Kev wouldn't bother doing that, and if he did it would take time away from doing other sculpts. These "conversions" are very quick and serves to satisfy those who've asked for those specific variations. And we get to see a completely new sculpt instead! :)

So, I can't say I mind too much!

A lot of other companies (Reaper anyone?) also "convert" old sculpts to make new minis, but they do it without anyone asking for it and they present the converted sculpts as new minis.

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My Gosh! Please allow me one single complaint! I can't just go around loving everything all the time...it aint healthy!

But yes, I do see your point....but WHY doesn't Kev want to bother with that? Why not have a line of the same character? This is something I have wanted to see for years, but the only one I have ever seen is Heresy's BIG BORIS. That goes for Wyrd too. For instance, If Taelor was a big seller, why wouldn't you want to revist that character with a shiny new pose?

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Hey, Jim... you asked me a question and I answered! :) And of course you are allowed to complain (Sally will get your money anyway... :laugh: )!

Sometimes Kev does completely new versions of the same character. There's a couple of Tiriel minis, a couple of Libby mins, etc. But sometimes when he hasn't planned on doing a different version people ask for a different weapon that requires a different position of the arms, for instance, and since it's a quick thing to fix he does it!

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Yeah Anders, I hope you know I wasn't being 'angry' or even exasperated ----I was just 'faking my exasperation for comic effect'. Its hard to pull off sarcasm with just the typed word.

You answered my question brilliantly, AND reminded me of the fact that there are some 'recurring' characters (you reminded me too Duende). Just not enough for my liking I guess.

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I'm with Jim. Of course I never cared for Suzi's pose in the first place so I could be biased. But removing the gun and giving her a sword is a simple conversion I could have done. I didn't need a whole new Suzi (and believe me, I've considered all sorts of other things in her hand for conversions but nothing seems to work ... hmmm... maybe a saxaphone...).

I applaude Hasslefree for the many great redos they have done, like the 2 billies and the 2 dionnes and the 2 lilariths. The 2 Kalees are good and the 3rd Kalee a fun swap and the 2 dannis are a close call but I still think worth the new version, but a weapon swap is just pointless to me.

However, if they can make money at it, good for them.

Oh, and of course the several versions of Tiriel and Libby are great.

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But yes, I do see your point....but WHY doesn't Kev want to bother with that? Why not have a line of the same character? This is something I have wanted to see for years, but the only one I have ever seen is Heresy's BIG BORIS. That goes for Wyrd too. For instance, If Taelor was a big seller, why wouldn't you want to revist that character with a shiny new pose?

Fenryll does something like that with their three stage characters (http://www.discounthobby.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=DIS&Category_Code=FENK), the idea being one fig for start, mid and later years of the character's adventuring career. I don't think I've fallen in love with any of the sculpts I've seen, but I think it's a very cool idea.

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