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Vampiress Diorama

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This, is my latest work - only my second diorama too [my first being the Night Lord Apothecary]. I chose to work on this because it was different than what I normally do, being taller less hairy than a dwarf and rather less armoured than a space marine. I also wanted to do something a bit special and different. This was achieved mainly with the base, as you'll see.

I would give you a run down of what I've used on her and such, but I never take note and use whatever comes to mind and sometimes go back and rework parts at times depending on advice and so forth. But.. for the base, I used milliput extensively. I used a large fantasy monster base and a cavalry base which I shaved down the edges as much as possible then added a layer of milliput. I embedded the gravestones then taking the vampire glued to her base I pushed her in and cut out the shape to fit her in. Then adding sand I then drybrushed it various browns and greens before adding a layer of flock and a bit of static grass near the base of the gravestones.

I gave her pale skin but with a purple wash - though I had to highlight again and the purple is less visible now. The green was worked up from VGC Olive Green and mixed with various greens to get a nice dark green, highlights were done with Rotting Flesh. The red bodice was started from a Dark Flesh and Bestial Brown base, I added in various red shades for latter layers and highlights. The leggings were green but I changed them to a light brown which works much better, the staff was done greys - was going for a sort of marble look but failed. Though it worked out alright. The gold worked alright, wasn't sure about the top of her head but it worked ok. I did a little bit of freehand on her sleeves, was going for a Fleur De Lys but I need to work better at freehand,

Anyway, the pictures... Two; Vampire and then the base.




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Hm, well it's the only type of gravestones I had and I only had the basic idea. Would have been nice to have different ones, also the stones do look slightly different and yes they could have been made to look more decrepid. The only static grass I have is a dark, lush looking green. It wouldn't suit all that well. :(

FF - Yeah, there was a section of the sand looking a little bit messy/errupted. But it's hidden now, unfortunately, and would have been better if I could sculpt a little bit there.


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Nicely done! I think it would be neat to see the ground starting to errupt with the undead coming out of the ground.

These undead are only creeping out of the ground rather than erupting. See the hand there?


Nice little scene. I think her dress could use one more level of highlighting though, and her back looks a little odd, like there's a crease in the skin that doesn't need to be there.


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