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King Ulrik Flamebeard

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Everything posted by King Ulrik Flamebeard

  1. Thanks, glad my little gobbo is liked. I just wanted something different to paint and well, how different can you get other than Santa Gobbo? KU
  2. This was done over the space of a weekend, including the GS work. I am quite pleased, though the base needs weighting at the front and the pictures don't do him justice [might try for better ones. Though white with a white background.. makes for difficult editing. ] He started off as the Night Goblin shaman, I chopped off his staff just under the head dress stuff and I removed his weapon in the other hand. Using my limited GS skills [not entirely happy with the sack or the stick of 'candy' in his hands], I added the following; beard, fur trimmings around his sleeves and hood, a ball at the top of his hood, the bag and his cane. I could have done better with the hat, it's a bit lumpy in places and might have been better to have removed the twin moon icon. The cane of 'candy' could have been smoother, as the bag could have been. But in my defence I'm still learning, practice makes perfect. His base is made from cork, done for another mini in fact, and was painting in various shades of grey. I added Ghostly Grey to give it a more blue edge to it to fit with the cold look. The show is Bicarbonate of Soda [not baking powder], mixed with PVA glue, then when it was drying I sprinkled on some more Bicarbonate of Soda to give it a nice sparkling look. All that needs doing is weighting his base and varnishing him tomorrow. So... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!! KU
  3. Yeah, but I thought I'd see with the flock. Personally I found it worked for me, I liked it alot but thank you anyway. KU
  4. Yeah, her back is a bit odd. But also there is a bit of cloth just above the red bodice at the back, could be that though. KU
  5. Hm, well it's the only type of gravestones I had and I only had the basic idea. Would have been nice to have different ones, also the stones do look slightly different and yes they could have been made to look more decrepid. The only static grass I have is a dark, lush looking green. It wouldn't suit all that well. FF - Yeah, there was a section of the sand looking a little bit messy/errupted. But it's hidden now, unfortunately, and would have been better if I could sculpt a little bit there. KU
  6. This, is my latest work - only my second diorama too [my first being the Night Lord Apothecary]. I chose to work on this because it was different than what I normally do, being taller less hairy than a dwarf and rather less armoured than a space marine. I also wanted to do something a bit special and different. This was achieved mainly with the base, as you'll see. I would give you a run down of what I've used on her and such, but I never take note and use whatever comes to mind and sometimes go back and rework parts at times depending on advice and so forth. But.. for the base, I used milliput extensively. I used a large fantasy monster base and a cavalry base which I shaved down the edges as much as possible then added a layer of milliput. I embedded the gravestones then taking the vampire glued to her base I pushed her in and cut out the shape to fit her in. Then adding sand I then drybrushed it various browns and greens before adding a layer of flock and a bit of static grass near the base of the gravestones. I gave her pale skin but with a purple wash - though I had to highlight again and the purple is less visible now. The green was worked up from VGC Olive Green and mixed with various greens to get a nice dark green, highlights were done with Rotting Flesh. The red bodice was started from a Dark Flesh and Bestial Brown base, I added in various red shades for latter layers and highlights. The leggings were green but I changed them to a light brown which works much better, the staff was done greys - was going for a sort of marble look but failed. Though it worked out alright. The gold worked alright, wasn't sure about the top of her head but it worked ok. I did a little bit of freehand on her sleeves, was going for a Fleur De Lys but I need to work better at freehand, Anyway, the pictures... Two; Vampire and then the base. KU
  7. Well it was the only base I had and I am taking this to Denmark - small it was the less chance of damage. But I suppose on a bigger base it would worked better perhaps. Thank you, have done better and I tried to use VGC but the blues did not like to stay where painted at all. Odd. KU
  8. Er, not quite. His backpack would not fit properly with it on he would practically look as though he was sitting up. So I decided to leave it off; the damage are the black looking lines on the Ultramarine - like I said not entirely happy with it but too late now I am afraid. Need more practice. KU
  9. Something I did for a friend, a birthday gift. She loves Night Lords and is a med student, so this made perfect sense. =D If I was to redo this, what would I change - the battle damage on the UM. It is too much in places and unconvincing but I needed something to show that he was hurt/wounded instead of him just laying there. I am not good with battle damage and the GW way of "black with silver over the top" isn't all that convincing. Oh well, I think she'll be happy with it - or at least hope she will. http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/9279/presentpz6.jpg [unfortunately the picture is rather grainy, could be the size but think my photo skills played a part too.] I do have an overhead shot that I couldn't fit into the montage - http://img336.imageshack.us/img336/71/img0011ml8.jpg KU
  10. Thank you for the comments. Sergeant Crunch - Well my grey bases were for the dwarves, I wanted a purely united army so bases had to be the same. It didn't suit with this mini. KU
  11. Had this mini for ages, was a Gamesday limited edition - 2003 I believe - and well wanted to try a few things and paint a space marine. That I have done. First thing I tried was the gold, tis NMM. Now this is only my second attempt at NMM painting and my first at gold, it came out probably too yellow and/or brown in places but it's all a learning curve and something to try and remedy for next time. I didn't use any online guides but I did remember bits here and there, starting with a base of snakebite leather I then added bubonic brown, golden yellow then sunburst before doing the highlights with a mix of white. Not too bad. Now those who are in the know will notice that he should have black armour - being a chaplain - but I did grey instead, and it was not. I repeat was not because I had painted the grey thirteenth company armour before this was pointed out to me. :blush: That was done by starting with a codex grey and chaos black base and adding in more grey until I got the shades I liked. The light patches on the armour are suppose to be light spots (where the light would reflect most) but seems the blending was not as good as it looked after the varnish was applied - they seem a little too bright. And yes, I forgot the backpack *ahem* It fell off and I got otherwise busy. The cloak is suppose to be a wolf pelt, on some advisment I added washes to it and they seem to have done some great work in breaking up the monotonomus look; they may be hard to see but they're there (snakbite leather, bestial brown, purple and a reddy brown). Most the rest is just simple stuff; necklace, gun, vials etc Nothing too special. Again the rune on the backpack is due to a bit of advise from a fellow painter, just to fill the gap slightly. The shoulder pad with the badge on, well my attempt at freehand, came out alright but I need to practice there a fair bit. Finally the base. My first idea had him dwarfed by this huge thing, too big. So getting a bit of slate and breaking it up I got this one. Now I recently got the Vallejo Game colour line and wanted to try them. So from a white undercoat the rock has been washed and drybrushed only. I used Charred Brown, Earth, Beasty Brown, Bone White and Skull white only. The next part did not turn out quite as well; using Yellow Olive and Dark Green I added washes to the crack and such on the base to represent lichen and moss growing etc. So there you have it, done. I am quite proud, have a long way to go before I'd even consider entering a GD (need to refine a few techniques) but I am slowly plodding along - short legs you see - and am happy with my progress. Thank you to those who looked at this in private and helped with some good advice, thanks a bunch folks. KU
  12. Ok so here is a better and larger picture; I know the base is rather crappy but.. I am bad with them. Seems more thought into them are required before the painting is started. But basically the idea was a sort of muddy section on the shore of a swampy looking thing. *shrugs* Live and learn. Oh and first time using any varnish at all, Testors Dull Cote spray. Not bad. KU
  13. Wow! Thank you, I will look to doing this in the future. I always thought it was better to keep the edging as close and small as possible, will look at this later. The base currently is the small brown 'hub' she is stood on, just unsure on how to make it better; on a larger one that works well. KU
  14. This is my first non Games Workshop mini, and indeed first female one too. Was fun to paint and different, the only think I'm not sure on is the base; well the fact it needs a proper one. Any ideas? Anyway, pictures; Ok, three pictures as I'm not sure which one looks the best; which do you think? KU
  15. Done! Ok so the base doesn't show that well, unfortunately but Honestly it is water stuffed. Mixed in chaos black, dark angels green, brown ink and bronzed flesh then added Vallejo's Still Water. I possibly could have done better with it being less paint as it is hard to tell that it's water effect - something for next time perhaps. Anyway... enjoy. KU
  16. Well next pictures, same thing again two different settings - two pictures. Yes, that is my attempt at NMM. And well.. it failed. Looks very grey. But as this is my first attempt ever I am not too bothered, just means I will have to keep trying and improve upon it. A few things about this, the base coats were bluey hued probably not the best of starts. Then I believe I added too much white for the highlights and too much grey for the others, that and my blending was not up to scratch. Why have I left it, you say? Well because its all about trial and error. Sure I could strip the blades and spikes and try again, and again, and again, and again... but ultimately this is my first try and well I can use it as a guide as where I went wrong or did good for following attempts. That and they grey weapons work, this is the fourty first millennium, who says the weapons must be silver? The base will be tackled next, green barrel with some warning text, sractches and maybe a slight bit of rust on the torn edges. What you think? KU
  17. Hey guys, thank you for the comments. This is the first non dwarf mini I have painted for a long, long time - about five months in fact. So is rather different. Ritual - I don't think so, I am trying to limit myself to a number of colours and have used only these ones with combinations of one another. The oly other colours now will be greys and I will attempt NMM for the first time, I have to try some times right? The only other thing I can ask is.. any ideas for the barrel colour? I am thinking of painting a 'hazardous' marking upon it but not sure what colours the barrel would look good in. I don't want it to outshine the mini, maybe a dull green? KU
  18. Anyway, a bit of work and two films later here is the new look Drazhar; Well actually two versions of him. Both have been edited the same way but one has the white balance on the camera higher (I think that was the one above, but I forget). Anyway, this time you will notice he does indeed have purple armour!! I have included both pictures as one shows the highlights more, the mini itself if more an inbetween look but it very close to these pictures. What have I done? I edged the armoured plates a bit then I washed them all with a glaze of liche purple, chaos black and a touch of purple ink. I think I gave it three glazes and it seems to have brought the purple out well. The mask and skulls on the handles were done from a base coat of commando khaki and a touch of purple ink (made an interesting lillac shade ), commando khaki was used as the highlight before final ones of skull white mixed in were done. The eyes are golden yellow, sunburst yellow and then some skull white added. KU
  19. So after the completion of my dwarves I have decided to paint up a couple of minis for pure fun, I got a few to do and decided to do something different. So as my first 40k mini in a long while here is Drazhar, Master of Blades. Now first things first, I went for a purple tone. A dark purple tone; chaos black and liche purple layered with more liche purple added in and highlighted by adding commando khaki. Looks pretty good in person but unfortunately does not photograph well at all, these are the best I could get - you can see it is purple but looks like there are no highlights or anything. There are, honest!! I will try to get better pictures next time. I am going to do the mini with a sort of limited palette, first time for this but it may work (hopefully). The face mask will be commando khaki and bleached bone but will have a purple glaze/wash to tie it into the purple look. The blades I am tempted to try NMM but am not wholy confident on my blending abilities. Now the base is another new thing for me, I am trying to get hold of some water effect materials (surprisingly hard to find in the UK/Europe) and make the barrel look as though it is sunk but leaked a liquid into a swampy looking thing. Hopefully, never tried this so it could all go tits up. Anyway, comments and such welcome. Sorry about the pictures again. KU
  20. Not quiet everywhere. I am sure I missed a few forums.. If you want it everywhere.. KU
  21. Spammed? Er, nay. No spamming by me :angel: I posted it on maybe six or seven forums, how can I be expected to see rhe thoughts of the multitude of gamers online from but one or two forums? Nice to see people are being polite though, seems some cannot or just plainly will not. *shrugs* KU
  22. Ok first off before I add anything I have to say I am not really in the position to critisize the painters work or painters themselves or the events. I do not know GD painters or winners as such, I am not at a level to enter and win one (or get close to) nor will I see myself doing so for a while yet. This is just an observation I have made from looking at posts and such online. Ok, now that is over.. It is me or do the Europeans view themselves, or indeed are viewed as being, superior when it comes to the prestige of this event? Looking at the recent batch of events taken place (Alatanta, LA, France) and I have noticed that the none EU ones really take a beating, mainly they are viewed that they are easy to win and not much of a competition. This true? Why so? I mean, do people belive that those entering do not put a large ammount of work into their entrees? Or that the judges lack the skill and knowledge to choose 'decent' stuff over others? Really? Do you? I have seen pictures from all three events, including the slayer sword winners at all three and while really above my skill I do agree that some are not up to par with others. The Wood Elf Stag looking miniature at one comes to mind here, good but slayer sword winner? Or maybe the Europeans are just stuck up and refuse to believe that any other country could be as good as they are? Admittedly the pictures we see from GW are not the best and it is well known that most miniatures loose a lot in translation, so to speak but does this mean they are crap, that they are not worthy of a Daemon. So, what do *you* think? Is there some sort of elitisium in the events, dependant upon the countries? If so, which one os the best and hardest to win/place in? KU
  23. http://img481.imageshack.us/img481/154/runesmitha6wl.jpg Runesmith completed. He took me most the weekend but was in fact completed in a rather top speed on Saturday (mainly so, worked about six to eight hours on him in total). The beard is whiter than most to show his age and wisdom; he also has mostly metallics upon him. Not overly thrilled with the silver, it looks very NMM but without the lighting being correct. This was not my intention and is just the effect of adding grey and lighter grey to the silver base, need to practice more with this too. Last thing is also the staff and runes on his helmet have a slight blue surround, this was done by adding a little bit of Enchanted Blue to the mix. Unfortunately the effect was not reall successful - may try blue ink next time. I must applogize for the bad pictures as I am playing about with my camera, seeing how the white balancing alters them so it may appear a little dark. Also as I only have a two times optical zoom on the camera the pictures may not show details all that well - I need to practice more with these things. All comments, critisim, questions and suggestions for improvments etc welcomed. KU
  24. Thank you all for the comments and welcome. Yes these miniatures do improve and most are gaming peices, some are just for me to paint up for fun and show. The dwarves I am greatly liking, love painting them. Best models yet most of them. As to my armies, truth be told I only have my semi complete dwarf army that I would use. It is better painted than anything else and is the closest to being completed. KU
  25. Ok, new member and my first post. Lets see what you all have to say about my stuff. It is currently all GW but I have a few other manufacters on the way for after getting my dwarves done, basically something different to paint. Oh and this is a thread I have posted elsewhere, so a quote will do. And now for my more recent stuff, dwarves. http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/5279/cannonacomplete0nk.jpg <--- Cannon and crew http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/3043/thanea5ea.jpg <-- Thane http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/4715/thunderers8pq.jpg<-- Thunderers http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/9392/warriorsacomplete8kv.jpg <-- Warriors with Hand weapons KU
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