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The New Nightmare


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I am currently on a medication that has a very interesting side effect, your dreams become really vivid. And last night I had what can only be described as a terrible nightmare.

I contained none or the monsters, or spooks of the nightmares I had as a child. Those things no longer scare me, because they are not real. It is interesting how the things you fear as you get older change, and last night was awful because the threat in my dream was all to real.

I dreamt that I was I was at my computer surfing the web and a pop up ad popped up. I go to close it, but on accident I clicked on the window itself and not the X in the corner. Suddenly a rush of dozens of cascading windows starts to form all over the place on my screen. Annoyed I start to close them all down one by one. It takes awhile to get to the bottom of the pile of windows, but I get there. But behind the final window I close, to my horror I find several program loading progress bars almost finished on my screen. Quickly I try and close them, no use. I try to shut down my system, it won't respond. I push the power button, again nothing. I yank out the plug and things finally go off.

Relieved I boot my computer back up, and every thing seems normal. Then a website I care nothing about pops up on my screen. I close it, and another pops up in its place. I close that one, and another pops up. I keep going but always another new window pops up to replace the old one. I spend the rest my "restful" nights sleep trying to remedy this problem, but to no avail. When I woke up I still hadn't solved my in dream computer woes.

Therefore fear the nightmares of adulthood, for they are for more real.

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The worst one I had recently was when I dreamed that an intruder had broken into my apartment and was just coming around the corner into my bedroom, right behind my daughter who had just sleepily walked in. At the moment I jerked awake, I could've sworn I heard my screen door closing. I went around my apartment checking all the doors and windows (my daughter was actually still soundly asleep in bed), but I was so spooked I stayed awake a few hours (with plenty of lights on) before I went back to bed.

I've also had dreams about emails and forum posts that were never written, just products of my over-imagination. Weird....


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Ugh - no fun, and computers none the less, it is interesting what makes you go 'aaaaah' in dreams as you get older.

Me, if I even have them at all these days (very rare), usually involve the family in some fashion. A fire I can't get the kids out of. Car accident with the wife. Mass killings in the area ... you name it, it can get pretty odd, but usually involves the family.

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I don’t get many nightmares...I think the last one I had was trying to escape a wildfire. This was after we had a huge one that burned down into the city and was turned a half mile from my home.

Other wise my dreams are usually from some book or movie, I really liked the Jake Sparrow ones. :)

Has any one been in a dream and you “know” it’s a dream..when I get one of these, I try to see how much I can change it.

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I am currently on a medication that has a very interesting side effect, your dreams become really vivid. And last night I had what can only be described as a terrible nightmare.

I contained none or the monsters, or spooks of the nightmares I had as a child. Those things no longer scare me, because they are not real. It is interesting how the things you fear as you get older change, and last night was awful because the threat in my dream was all to real.

I dreamt that I was I was at my computer surfing the web and a pop up ad popped up. I go to close it, but on accident I clicked on the window itself and not the X in the corner. Suddenly a rush of dozens of cascading windows starts to form all over the place on my screen. Annoyed I start to close them all down one by one. It takes awhile to get to the bottom of the pile of windows, but I get there. But behind the final window I close, to my horror I find several program loading progress bars almost finished on my screen. Quickly I try and close them, no use. I try to shut down my system, it won't respond. I push the power button, again nothing. I yank out the plug and things finally go off.

Relieved I boot my computer back up, and every thing seems normal. Then a website I care nothing about pops up on my screen. I close it, and another pops up in its place. I close that one, and another pops up. I keep going but always another new window pops up to replace the old one. I spend the rest my "restful" nights sleep trying to remedy this problem, but to no avail. When I woke up I still hadn't solved my in dream computer woes.

Therefore fear the nightmares of adulthood, for they are for more real.

Sounds like your just using Windows! Not actually having a nightmare! (Though Windows IS a nightmare!)

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Sounds like your just using Windows! Not actually having a nightmare! (Though Windows IS a nightmare!)

I wondered how long it would be till a Mac head chimed in.

The funny thing, none of my own computers have ever had any problems with viruses or spyware. I keep my stuff ship shape and protected. I was tasked once with trying to fix my parents computer that was maggoty with spyware, and it was a mess. I think thats where the anxiety come from. I need to find that old box actaully, it still has a few files I'd like to have, and it might be fun just to play around with.

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Other wise my dreams are usually from some book or movie, I really liked the Jake Sparrow ones. :)

Me, too. Although I'd take Jack Sparrow over Jake... and plenty of rum to boot! ;)

Has any one been in a dream and you “know” it’s a dream..when I get one of these, I try to see how much I can change it.

Usually when I do realize I'm dreaming, it's immediately followed by waking up. :(

In many of my dreams, I'm in a familiar building but the building slowly "morphs" as the dream progresses.. never as I'm watching it, just if I would happen to leave a room then return, the room is different, stairs diappear or changed, a wall shifted or moved or become a different type of wall (like a partial-wall or curtain). Oddly, usually if I am in a building in a dream, it's a "group" type - like a dorm, school, apartment complex, mall... not a "single" like a house or stand-alone store.

Any other weird quirks, anyone?

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LOL.........Jake is Jack’s older brother......who takes a bath everyday and his teeth are in better shape.....not to mention package size. ;)

Once in a while I’m have such a strange dream that I know I’m asleep and dreaming.

The ones I really hate are bathroom dreams, like the one where I have to go bad and the toilet is in the middle of a mall with all the people walking around it.

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The ones I really hate are bathroom dreams, like the one where I have to go bad and the toilet is in the middle of a mall with all the people walking around it.

You have those too??!!

Are you my real mommy?? (I swear sometimes I'm so unlike my real mother that I wonder if we're really related.)

Or maybe I'm dreaming again and I'm not really writing this... ::thinking:

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  • 3 weeks later...

My worst nightmares and the only ones I remember perfectly up to minute details (eventhough some are many years past) are the ones involving my twinsister (my only sibling) dying/getting a horrible accident and I can't do anything to help her but always have to watch (usually pretty final destination scenes.. freak accidents... ). I ain't nearly as spooked if the dream is about me in a nasty situation like an accident. Makes sence. I think i'll go absolutely nuts if something like that would happen (doesn't even have to be freaky). Noone touches my sis! ;) (my sis has the same. Nothing to do with being a twin i think.... just loving sisters, never experienced any of those urban legend twin tale stuff. )

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