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Alidee, Female Bandit (Reaper)- WIP


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I got my latest shipment of minis in and as I was looking at them, I decided to paint Alidee first. As I sat looking at her, she just screamed to be painted with directed lighting/OSL instead of the normal "sun as a light source" method.

"No," I said to the mini, "I'm not that good yet."

"Paint me with OSL!" she screamed back "OSL! OSL!"

After much debate I decided to take the plunge and do it. Then, I decided to go ahead and try NMM on this one since it seemed to fit with the OSL theme. (think I'm crazy yet?). I debated whether I should do a WIP post or not, but I figured I probably should since I'm trying so many new things. (gotta be out of my mind)

So, here she is, primed and ready to go. I shot her with only one light to get an idea how the light and shadows would fall.



I've already decided on which colors I'm going to use for the cloak, clothes, etc. I'll try to keep this updated at regular intervals, but sometimes I get started painting and just keep going.

So, if anyone wants to toss in their ideas and opinions (like trying to talk me out of this insane endeavor), please, by all means, jump right in.

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I got my latest shipment of minis in and as I was looking at them, I decided to paint Alidee first. As I sat looking at her, she just screamed to be painted...

My minis do the same thing!! Whoever's loudest gets painted first!

Nice to know there's somebody else in the crazy "my minis speak to me" boat!


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Guest Eastern Front Studios

Vikey thats one good tip ..the backside of the mini would always be darker hitting it from the front with a burst of grey or white would help in the process((possibly both..maybe with a airbrush would be good more controlled?)) ..a osl I wanted to try was some adventurers descending some steps, with say a flickering torch....yes Shawns how to and some of Victorias are really helpful..course Eric j's is a good inspiration also for closer up lighting. Hinton look forward to seeing what you come up with ;)

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@DrEvilmonki: I thought it would be best to at least have an idea of what I was looking for/at. I'm posting over at CMoN in shawn's thread since he's agreed to help me out and I've read his tutorial on OSL several times now.

@supervike: Oh sure; now you tell me. :laugh: It's cool, though. At least I know to do that next time.

@Duende: At least I'm not the only one that's crazy. :wacko:

Okay, here's a small update. I always start with the eyes, face and skin areas. Very little of that with this one (pardon the slightly messy painting).


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Guest Eastern Front Studios

Hinton yeah from the way shes standing that would work well.depending on how close she would be to the window which would make the light larger or smaller..perhaps cobblestones and barrels crates in a alley?sounds like a cool little project ..I am interested in seeing it come together.not only the light on her but the shadows trailing off is always interesting also.

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I'd give it a glaze of the midtone and re-highlight.

You're not the only one that's suggested that (although, you are the first). I'll be going back and doing that later today, along with a couple other things and then post more pics.

Seeing that you did the eyes first this time around and it was something of an issue for your sixth miniature, how do you feel it came along this time? From what I can see, it looks pretty good but I can only make out so much as well.

The eyes seemed to go much better than usual. I wasn't nervous about screwing up since I knew that I didn't have anything else painted. Normally, I have quite a bit (if not all) of the mini done, so it's going through my head: "Don't screw this up!", which, of course, only makes things worse.

Unfortunately, the shadows do take away or even cover up some of what I did, which kind of upsets me; I finally got some decent eyes done with what looked like the perfect amount of darklining and everything and I had to cover it up! Aaarrrggghhh!!!

Oh well; at least I know what I did this time and should be able to apply it and perhaps even improve upon it with the next one.

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