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Computer problems - Hijacked to Disgusting Foods


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You guys are freaks. :-p

It's either salsa or mustard for my fries. :)

And we're the freaks? :)

That´s what I call a proper thread hijack!

No kidding.

Marmite? What is that? Is it anything like Vegamite?

And the milkshake thing is going too far. I mean, really...that would be just....

Okay! Okay! I admit that I tried it. And yeah, it's pretty good.

Still prefer mayo on my "chips", though.

Speaking of mayo: has anyone ever put mayo in their chili? My whole family does it so I grew up eating it that way. Anyone else?

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Marmite? What is that? Is it anything like Vegamite?

see here:

Marmite is a British savoury spread made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. It is a sticky, dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful taste that polarises consumer opinion and prompts its advertising slogan that you either "love it or hate it". It is similar to Australia's Vegemite and Switzerland's Cenovis, and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

(copied from wikipedia)

I´ll go with the proper end product of beer brewing: beer

(that leaves you out, US breweries, you only sell slightly coloured water)

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I´ll go with the proper end product of beer brewing: beer

(that leaves you out, US breweries, you only sell slightly coloured water)

No fair!! It's only the big breweries that make coloured water. If you ever get hold of Gonzo Imperial Porter from Flying Dog Breweries in Denver (or any of the hundreds upon hundreds of beers from micro-breweries all over the States) you will understand! :D

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Callumrice - Yep, generally I use Heinz tomato ketchup and mayonaisse. Definately tastes better than it looks.

And for those those of you who think this sound gross *looking pointedly at FF* don't think you never had it before... if you ever had a regular Whopper at a Burger King, the toppings on it are mayo, lettuce, tomato, pickle, ketchup, and onion. So you've had them together before and survived!


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Oh, I forgot one thing Dutch also take with fries (or any kind of patato-dish) which is apple sauce (read this as cold mashed apples, not the thin brown variety).

And Duende, the combo is quite common here. It's often used on a certain sausage called "frikandel". We also have another combo that is similar which is "Joppiesaus". This is a fine mix of mayonaise, currysauce (a spicy type of ketchup) and onions, all ground together.

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Ha-Hah! :ditto:

See, someone agree's with me on all this funk ya'll have been talking about.

I'm going to have to try to get to Europe one of these years, if only for the cuisine. At least people won't look at me funny is I have fries[chips] with mayo and ketchup, or put applesause on my mashed potatoes (I've done that before too!)


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Funny conversation here....

I love mayonaisse on my French Fries, been eating that for years but it has to be the right kind of fries....thick, crispy ones....Normally I prefer Ketchup mixed with mustard on my fries. I do like the malt vinegar sauce on them too. And my daughter both dip fries in milkshakes...

I admit I haven't mixed ketchup and mayo together though...at least not purposefully.

I love going to those fast food resturants that have the self service 'sauces'. I usually have more dipping sauces than I do food items...Horseradish, mayo, mustard, barbeque sauce, tabasco....yummy!

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