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NEWS: Lots of new Rackham


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I had the pleasure of seeing these all in the flesh today at the gamesconvention.

Loved this one to bits really... but 40 euro is a bit much, Irix Ultimate Edition


Hydra warriors


Cadwë undertakers (Chaz Elliot work by the way) There was another one on display which doesn't have it's picture online yet (which goes for more figs I've seen today... previews at the convention but not online yet)


Ströhm warriors 3


Khaurik’s Musician


we saw the green before: Wazabi


Crimson servant


Fulgor, meteor of the Ægis


Unfortunatly 2/3th of the new figs i've seen i have no pictures off (mid-nor, quite a few cadwallon figs, new dwarves elves and more). Saw some new dwarves and orcs in the making as well (had a good look at them as the sculptor gave them to me in hand to have a better look (I just had to promise to be carefull they weren't baked yet (fimo figs) so still soft). Well not the orcs as those are 2 orcs seated on a huge warbeast. I am guessing that one will be resin... can't inmagine that one becomming metal... Just to big and heavy. And I had a nice half hour chat with the sculptor of them (who did a lot of the dwarves and goblins...including the female dwarves I like so much... he had the official painted version with him too).

Good day today :) To bad the painter's english was only a bit better then my french... which is pretty none existant

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Yeah, I also spotted them at Spellenspektakel (an event here in Holland this weekend...Rackham also was there). At first I thought they were grey sprayed greens...but then I saw they were Procreated. Cool stuff! Love the Wolfen chick. The old one REALLY needed a resculpt.

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Well, I´m actually trying to get a Wolfen army together and I really dig the Ultimate Irix, but it costs 40 Euros (!) Is it cast in gold or what?

Hydra Warriors - really cool. Remove the weapons and you´ve got perfect bloodbowl Chaos Dwarves (which now can get mutations -> tentacles!) Too bad I already have a full CD team ... ;-)

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