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Cold Navy Frigate


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Was looking for something to paint after finishing those Terran CAVs so figured I'd do these up since I've had the colors planned out for some time now. This is a Mauridian Ba'Negva Frigate (there's two, but since they're being painted the same I'm only showing one) from the Cold Navy line sculpted by John Bear Ross (my favorite of the 3D computer sculptors). Unfortunately the line is kind of in Limbo after just having been purchased, hopefully I can get more later, they're fun to paint.

Anyway, the colors were inspired by of all things nature. I was driving home after a late day and the sun was starting to set. As I was waiting for a traffic light, I looked up at the clouds which were this fiery orange color against a deep blue sky. Got home and started looking over the Shelf of Shame and decided to attempt to replicate it with these. Turns out that when I looked at my color wheel (which I had just purchased the previous weekend) that lo and behold, blue and orange are complimentary colors. Hooray for color theory! I added grey to the scheme so that I had more than just the blue and orange and to have a neutral color to separate the main colors without interfering. That and the idea of orange gun turrets didn't sit well with me.

Pretty much just got the colors blocked in. Took about 2.5 hours, would've been faster but MSP Fiery Orange takes a few coats to cover, and I have a tendency to go outside and smoke while I'm waiting for paint to dry.


Next thing will be picking out details, a little darklining and wash, then some "damp brushing" of highlights. I'm trying to decide if I should do the gun tubes in silver or just a lighter grey. What do yall think?

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BTW, and sorry for double posting... But what unit do you Americans use when you're dealing with fractions of inches? Does someting like 0.2 inches make any sense?

We tend to divide into eighths and such. 1/2 inch, 1/4 inch, 1/8th, 1/16th, 1/32nd. Yeah I think it's rather silly too.

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The measurements on their website are in mm and I'm at work so don't have the model handy. (and I'd be too lazy to find my measuring tape if I were at home) I tend to work in metric at work so it doesn't bother me as much. Rough conversions here: 1 2/3" long x 2/3' wide x 3/4" tall. Personally I wish the U.S. would get over itself and convert to the metric system anyway. My mind works better with base 10 systems rather than what ever the heck Standard measures are based on.

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Another thing I have wondered about with American units.... You have a bunch of odd units for volume like gallons, for instance. Is there a simple relation between, let's say, a gallon and a length unit, like feet or inches? In the metric system a litre is equivalent to 1 cubic decimeter, that is, if you have a cube where all sides are 1 dm in length the cube will have the volume 1 litre. Are there such relations between length and volume units among your common units?

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Another thing I have wondered about with American units.... You have a bunch of odd units for volume like gallons, for instance. Is there a simple relation between, let's say, a gallon and a length unit, like feet or inches? In the metric system a litre is equivalent to 1 cubic decimeter, that is, if you have a cube where all sides are 1 dm in length the cube will have the volume 1 litre. Are there such relations between length and volume units among your common units?

Egads! I hope not. I think most Americans are slightly ignorant when it comes to this stuff. And not having a standard basis of measurement is confusing. I have no clue how many quarts are in a gallon or in a pint or in a liter. Although I think a pint is 16 oz, and a gallon is 144 oz, but that just confuses me the more. We just order the large soda and be done with it!!

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Egads! I hope not. I think most Americans are slightly ignorant when it comes to this stuff. And not having a standard basis of measurement is confusing. I have no clue how many quarts are in a gallon or in a pint or in a liter. Although I think a pint is 16 oz, and a gallon is 144 oz, but that just confuses me the more. We just order the large soda and be done with it!!

Hehe... when I'm at the pub I actually take advantage of your weird volume units. If I buy bottled beer I will get half a litre. If I buy beer from the tap I get a pint (because everyone knows it sounds better to order a pint than half a litre...) and usually I pay the same. The pint contains a little bit more than half a litre, so I get more beer for the money! Thank you!!! :D

And, sorry sarge for the slight derailing of this thread! Supervike started it, as always! :bandit:

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  • 2 weeks later...

They're highlighted up to MSP Ghost White, which is a white with a slight bluish tint to them for the unfamiliar, but I think I lost some of it when I sealed them. I have a problem with that if I don't lay the highlight color down thick enough. I didn't highlight most of the bottom as I was imagining the lightsource above and slightly in front of the ships. But you're completely right, they could use more.

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