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NEWS: New german mini company: Noha

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I met one of the guys behind this relative new company yesterday at the Duzi convention in Germany. Jonas Deimel, a nice guy who sculpts the miniatures.Some of you might have seen some of them on cmon.

I had a nice little chat and looked at the starting line of miniatures, conceptsketches and things he and his fellow Noha-studio mates made. And seeing new companies can use a little bit of help....


http://www.noha-studios.de/shop/ (for pictures of 7 of the miniatures... as i can't link directly to them)

Unfortunatly for most of us the site is just in German.

I had a look at some of his new dreadlocked orcs as well. Not your typical orcs... they are nice as they look like a complete own race (they remind me slighly of star trek's worf, just to give you an idea. No pictures yet, though if people want to see I'm sure i can e-mail him for some previews to put up here.)

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I bought one of the orcs yesterday and I've got it in front of me. The Shamanin (click the orcs section in the shop link and the picture to see it).

The figure is 33mm head to floor and supplied with a resin slotted base. Sculpting is good though finish could have been sharper. Quality wise they are on the level of the Armalion/DSA/Metal Magic figures. Not quite Reaper or Freebooter yet. One thing that is unfortunate is that it also suffer of the no neck look that some of the MM figures have. Proportions are similar though the figure is a bit taller.

Design of the figures is very nice. As Cindy says, the looks of the orcs is quite new (to me they look a bit like a mix of orc and predator) and I quite like it.

Going from the painted figures they had with them they paint up nicely (pics on the website don't do them justice).

I got it packaged in a zip-lock bag with a label folded over the top and stappled to the bag. I don't know if this is their normal way of packing but I do prefer it since I have more uses for a ziplock bag than for instance a vac formed clam shell.

lauth81: they told us they had just started, so it's not that surprising you've not yet heard of them. Not much advertising as such.

Bye, Ming-Hua

(Cindy, there was another company that's probably not well known: I've mailed you the details).

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I'd like to introduce myself: I am Jonas, the sculptor mentioned above.

Thanks, cindy, for writing your impressions!

It's true: Our website still is in German, but I'm in the middle of translation. So the english version should be up within near time.

We are indeed pretty new, meaning we produce things now for few years, but we were mostly into terrain-making. The miniature line is being extended now, I am working on some minis that will be produced soon.

That will include some new orcs, too.

Packing: Yes, that's our normal way of doing it, although we are going to switch to blisters asap.

The Photos on our website wil be retaken as soon as we can. We know that these pictures don't do the paintjob justice, (poor Markus) wo we will change that along with better detail shots.

Comments on our work is always welcome for we want to improve it as you like it.

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Hi Jonas,

good to see you here. I was about to mail you a question. Over at the 1listsculpting mailling list I'm trying to get addresses of places selling clay shapers. Can you tell me the brand of the blue ones you were using?

Suggestions. Just a few ideas:

- Convention stand. My impression when I saw it was that you had a sculpting/painting service. It's only at the end of our conversation that I realised you were selling figures at the stand too and I sort of rushed to get that orc (and forgot about the angel and bounty hunter :( ). Perhaps you could make this clearer by putting a price list in front of the display figures. Or some casts.

- Website. If you are going to add more pics to the figures you could consider adding pictures of the green (easier to see details) and when available the design sketch. People like that. As it is, can you perhaps post one of the design sketches of your orcs? I liked the concept and I think people here will too.

- Sculpting. Your figures make me think of the DSA range. Nice figures but without the extreme detail and finish of for instance freebooter. Is this because you are more directed to the gamer's market (like DSA and Excalibur) as opposed to the collectors/painters scene?

The "no neck" issue. I see this with a couple of your figures and for myself I know that I've done that too. I don't know if it's a deliberate choice but if not, perhaps it helps to know that in my case there were two reasons. First was scale creep. I tend to do a face from top of head to chin and sometimes I find that I make the head to big leaving no space for the neck. The other thing was that most of my first figures were Metal Magic and I got influenced by their proportions.

Can you post a picture of the figure you were doing in Pro-Create? It already looked good and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished figure. I forwarded you comments on Pro-Create to the maker by the way.

Bye, Ming-Hua

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- I bought my Clay shapers in a German arts-store.


- I will post an orc concept as soon as I get one scanned. I just kind of lost my whole computer data in a serious breakdown shortly ago, so I don't have them handy.

- Sculpting: True, true. First the Detail issue: I personally like more the down-to-the-earth minis, but I develope more and more interest in highly detailed things. My future Minis will tend in this direction.

No neck issue: As to the Orcs, that's a wanted thing. They simply are that bulky.

There are still some othermijiatures, that suffer from that disease ;)

I shortyl changed my way of sculpting, so I can avoid that.

- The picture os the mini: I will post it, as soon as I can take a proper picture. The ones I was able to take weren't really good. :(

Oh, EDIT: Concerning the Con Stand: I got news that I would come to DUZI about 3 days before I got into the train. I had no real infos as about how much space I really would have etc.

So I tried to make the best out of the situation, ususally we do have a fully concepted stand with displays etc.

I changed the wrong impression you (naturally) had the day after by adding prices to the miniatures.

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I changed my sculpting mostly concerning usage of tools (what when where), basic dolly making (for some of them) and also a little bit of style changed (away from the bulky towards a more filigran look). The style change happened when I was working with a couple of histrical mini-painters who guided me through their concept of miniature.

Right now I am making 20mm miniatures as comission, that's where you cannot afford being bulky at all! :D

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Hi, my name is Till and I am the "big boss" ;) of Noha Studios. As Jonas mentioned, we exist for a few years now, but most of the time we worked as freelancer for other companies.

Some examples of our work:


www.freebooterminiatures.de (you should already know this one…)

www.nackterstahl.de (big German roleplay company)

www.piratenkriege.de (biggest German browser-game)

We also did a lot of artwork and concept design, for example we designed the “CHA 004 Chaos Champion” from freebooter:



But since the beginning we worked on our own game-world “Obsidian” which would (hopefully) released in the near future. Here some of the concepts we done for Obsidian:



And finally some Ork concepts:



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Cool, thanks for posting the drawings. It's always nice to see them.

By the way, I was at the miniatures page yesterday and saw you (and some other German companies) were not yet listed in the manufacturers directory. I've already send the editor a note with details on companies I was missing but since you are a new company it could be an idea to contact him and introduce yourselves.

Bye, Ming-Hua

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