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Why the wait?

I really don't understand American scheduling!

Personally, I think they should make a season of shows (which is usually 24 or so) and then just run them, one per week until the end of the seaon. Enough of this "run a few episodes to see how it's going to do" crap. You just can't tell how good or popular a show will be if you don't give it time. It's like the networks are afraid to take a chance.

I understand the studio's point of view that if they make that many shows and then don't run them, they lose money. However, considering how many millions they make from the successful shows, they can afford to splurge a little. They may not realize just how popular a show may become if given time.

Look at The X-Files: Fox was ready to cancel it, but they took a chance and look how it turned out. Firefly was a great show, but Fox axed it before it really got a chance. Look how many fans there are of that.

I say screw the focus groups and the Nielsen ratings. In this day and age, all a person has to do is look on the internet to find out how popular (or unpopular) and well-liked (or hated) a show may be. That should be their guide.

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So its a sercurity thing because you make long seasons then?

Our seasons (or serie's) only go on for about 6 episodes (up to about 10 or 12 with some shows) so we musn't be taking as big a risk.

I understand the logic behind it, but yea its daft, and they must realise its doing well by viewer ratings alone ???

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well, shows don't stay on based on how good they are, or internet popularity, they stay on based on how much they can charge for advertising time durring the show, which is based almost solely on how many eyes will view that ad. So as nice as it would be to judge these by different standards...it's hard to do.

That said, I would think that the television execs would notice a trend in Sci-Fi -ish programs and how it takes a season or 3 to really get going, but then can turn really popular. X-files is a good example, and hell, even Star Trek TNG was barely afloat for the first couple seasons, and then took off and turned into 3 other series and a few movies.

That said, I don't think Heroes is having any problem with ratings, they're just doing it to mess with us :D

PS, great episodes recently, they do a nice job at both answering questions quickly but raising a ton more to take their place. Not sure I like this new shapechange girl though

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My damn DVR is messing up, missing the last few minutes (apparently the future painting guy was shooting at Peter and I assume shot the girlfriend - then I see an add the other day where shes saying 'want to shoot me more' so I assume she's a damn power too?) and of course it didn't record last nights.

Ah well - have to watch it on the internet, but I think its quite interesting, though I find myself not rushing for the TV either to watch it. Much be a phase I'm in since I normally don't care for TV.

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So have any of you guys (and gals) been following the web stuff for the show?

Apparently Mohinder has taken over his dad's website and made it a tribute site.

You can even read the forward to his book:


I'm impressed how much work they are putting into the background of this show, trying to truly produce a multi-media experience.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally, after waiting for over a month, Heroes returns. From what I've seen, there will be five episodes and those will wrap up the whole "nuclear explosion" plotline.

Can you watch the old episodes online or is it only the previous one just shown that you can see?

You can see any of the past episodes that've been aired over at the Heroes website: Heroes

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Who caught last night's episode? Is Mohinder the biggest pansy ever?!

"Gee, here lying unconscious on the floor is the most evil of evil people I know. He killed my dad and he tortured and almost killed me. And if he goes on, he will keep on his homocidial tendencies and bump off more people I know, becoming more and more powerful.

Aww, but he looks so cute when he's sleeping... I guess I'll let him live."


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I thought about that.

I excused it in a couple of ways.

First, how's he going to kill him? Cut his throat with a big piece of glass? That's likely to wake him up before it kills him, and Mohinder can't fight him awake.

I assume the gun was destroyed some time ago.

Plus, shooting someone is theoretically easier psychologically than cutting a throat.

Mohinder has been the subject of brutal torture. He's terrified of Sylar. All he's been thinking of for days is probably escape.

He's also in shock from seeing Peter die.

So, he gets the chance to escape and he takes it, and he won't let Sylar eat Peter's brain and get even more powerful.

By the way, would that have been a bad thing? If Sylar got Peter's power, he wouldn't have to kill anyone else - though he might just for fun.

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