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Finally got around to watching this weeks episode and I rather liked it but it has really left me asking more questions.

Like the Invisible Man, he played Dr. Who here up until recently and rather like him. Rather interesting individual, 'oh your one of those types'. Obviously he has seen super powers before, from several different individuals and can classify them so to speak.

Claire is interesting with what she's going through living the whole lie bit. Annoying to me in some cases but I think she's actually doing it pretty good justice as she is a teenager and her actions sort of fit with what I think she would do anyhow. I liked the idea that she was able to track down her mother who seems to be a flame caster of some sort though she seems a bit batty - likely from thinking she killed her baby from way back when when she apparently 'blew up'. She probably did, 'cept the baby being Claire probably had her powers already and healed up just fine.

Something tells me that this started out like a government experiment of some sort or genetics research, or possibly has been clued in early on it and has seen it messed with genetically. Interesting how all of the sudden 'old time' powers are starting to come out of the woodwork, individuals who have had the power for a long time and have lived, albeit quite possibly screwy in the head over it.

Hero and his buddy irritated me this episode and the whole 'father' thing I didn't quite follow. Usually I like him but this time about I was just 'bleah' about it. Am curious as to what is going to go on with that.

Walk Through Walls, Split Personality Girl and Electronic Boy got a bit more interesting this time around. Waiting to see when blondie gets out of the ward though and quits whining. Same with Dad.

Recording cut off just before the end of the show for some reason, but I expect Sylar did some nasty stuff to the doctor and escaped.

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no, it pretty much ended when he woke up, but in the previews of next week, we see a beating going down.

So I guess Hiro's dad is Lindeman? That's good I think, and I think shows Lindeman has big powers of his own. But also is intent on making the explosion happen for some reason...

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Finally watched the latest episode.

I couldn't get it to run in the usual place on the NBC website, but there's a "cast commentary" video where you can watch it.

Just maximize the show and minimize the commentary and it's fine.


If you haven't seen it stop reading this and go watch it.

Neat stuff.

George Takei was taken out of the story too soon. I wanted to see him have power or his daughter have power, but no such luck - for now.

Peter still having the powers was awesome. He thought he only had the powers while with someone, but he actually keeps them, kind of like antibodies I guess.

Nathan - saw that a mile away.

Sylar - nice bit of acting. Good save by HRG. Annoying bit where mom almost gives his name but stops to chastise the dog. Too contrived.

What was that stuff on the back of his head?

"old friend is not as dead as we thought" - great line.

Why does Isaak help HRG?

Why does Peter think Simone is cheating? It's pretty clear from the conversation she's just hashing over the past and it's Isaac who has feelings.

Well, that's all I can think of for now.

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yeah, did you see the licence plate on Takei's car? - NCC 1701

But really I wasn't that interested in that story line, seemed like a random sideplot and nothing to it really other than family squable...

I liked the Peter thing, that makes his power a LOT more awesome, A LOT

Yeah, Nathan, not a surprise

Sylar, good plot with him and HRG this time!

Still TOTALLY bored with Nikki and Family story line, no point

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The thing with Niki/Jessica I think is being set-up to make her a super-villain. The whole "bomb-man" thing will be resolved this season, but after that the heroes need someone/something to stop and I think it'll be Jessica (or at least involve her somehow).

A note about HRG: When the show started, I was pretty sure that the character would turn out be pretty much like Cigarette-Smoking Man from X-Files; very two-dimensional (apologies to all of you CSM fans - just my opinion). I'm glad to see that he's not. Sure, he's got some secret stuff going on and we still don't know what his first name is, but there is a human side to him that really gives the character depth.

I had HRG picked, but I figured that was a stretch. Nathan, of course, was the obvious choice.

Sylar: great acting by Zachary Quinto. He pulls off the character of Sylar without going overboard, although it could be very easy to do.

Peter: yeah, pretty cool that he can keep all of those powers and use them when he needs to. Now, if he can jsut control it.

Invisible Man (Claude): Questions abound about this guy. How does he know how to teach Peter to control his power? How many other "empaths", or even heroes, has he come across? How much - and what - does he know?

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Well, he clearly knows HRG, and has for at least 15 years.

I disagree about the Niki/Jessica thing.

Remember when she's Niki and she's in prison and wants to touch her son?

The guard swings his club at her and she catches it and snaps it in two.

She has the superstrength when she's Niki, she just lacks the confidence.

I'm still undecided if she's possessed or really has MPD.

Anyway, I think a crisis will come and Niki will take over and save things.

The creator said someone who has been with us from the beginning will die this season.

It could be Jessica, but leaving the kid motherless would be a bit harsh for American TV.

I'm guessing it's either Simone or Isaac - Hiro hasn't been able to save anyone he saw die yet, why would Isaac be any different?

Anyway, just rambling.

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I honestly didn't predict Simone being the one to die. Should be interesting to see what develops because of her death.

Now that Peter has better control over "his" powers, he could be a lot of fun. It's good to see that he's gone from a kind of whiny, wishy-washy character to a more intense one.

The show just keeps getting more and more interesting.

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Of course, it's really the first time we've seen any of the heroes "team up" for a common goal. They are all sort of working at the edges for the same thing, but not together.

Oh, and next week we should be able to see if HRG Bennet can block Parkman's powers or if that really was the Haitian's power - or something altogether different.

I hope they quickly figure out that Clair is just as curious as they are to know what's going on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, not going to spoil it if you haven't seen the latest episode, but it kicked ass!

Still quite a few questions, but Linderman is finally revealed and it's not one of those deals where it's the last 20 seconds of the show, either.

What really cheeses me off is that there won't be any new episodes until April 23rd. That's right; a month and a half. Considering how this episode ended, it's going to be a long wait.

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