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NEWS: Rackham salon de jeu exclusive miniature

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Not very usefull for the ones who want it but can't get it due to not going to the big conventions

As far as i could figure out stuff on various sites, including ones in the language which is like gibberish to me (that would be French ;)) I found out that (feel free to correct me where wrong):

According to the newsletter, there is a contest for creating their profiles...the models will be on sale without cards at Salon. Or the winner of Salon de Jeu gets to set the profile.... something like that.

This Cadwallon miniature-set "Kassalis Venom and his weapon bearer Sidiamie " was/will be first available at the Salon de Jeu convention in Paris this year but I heared rumors it was (or will be next year?) available at Gencon and exclusively to other big conventions too. I couldn't find dates anywhere.


And based on this concept drawing


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BTW - I don't believe it was at GenCon this year. At least, I looked around their booth for anything that looked like it might be a "con exclusive" model, but couldn't find anything. Heck, I couldn't even figure out if they were selling the web-only models, though.. Found the month's releases and everything set out by faction, and the "on sale" items, but no limited editions or con exclusives. The booth was crowded and a bit small and the dealer hall made me somewhat claustraphobic at the best of times, so I could have missed it.. =(


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