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NEWS: Superheroes wanted

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Hi wyrds and wyrdettes.

I was browsing the net for some more competitions to join (as most of you probably know I like those). And I found one... a sculpting competition this time. So in case the Frothers Asylumn sculpting competition isn't your thing, maybe this one is. Or you can try your hand at both.

Black Hat Miniatures are looking to add a new Superhero (or supervillain) to their Mutants and Madman Superhero Range.


(The current Black Hat superhero line up)

The basic premise is simple - come up with a unique superhero or supervillain of your own design and sculpt him/her/it in greenstuff. Then, send photos of the sculpt and the best one will be purchased for £150 by Black Hat and added to the range.

The figure can be any kind of human or alien, as long as they clearly have super powers.

Each entry should be accompanied with a name for your superhero, and you can even send a description of their background if you wish.

You are free to share pictures of your work in progress anywhere on the internet if you wish.

The competition starts on August 1st and ends on October 31st (Midnight UK time), giving you plenty of time to come up with ideas and to get sculpting.

More detailed rules and guidlines can be found here: http://www.blackhat.co.uk/competitionrules.asp



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Yeeshh...I'm dorky enough to think that he was referring to the Mole Men of the Fantastic Four...

I have to admit, when I was just a wee lad of 10 or so, I subscribed to the Fantastic Four comic. Very very fun! Just recently, my 10 year old daughter has really gotten interested in comics and the FF is one of her favorites!

I really think there is a niche miniatures market that needs to be filled with superheros...

I am going to try my hand at the sculpting, just for fun.

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I thought the mole men were real.

weekly world news

I didn't know the Fantastic Four had Mole Men. I thought that was superman:

superman and the mole men

And then there's the more politically correct but far more deadly Mole People

Then of course there's the Mole Men of Thundercats:

Liono's bane

Eventually even the Tick got in the action:

The Tick

And of course, mole men make deadly ninjas!

Usagi Yojimbo Mogura Ninja

I hear they have a record label now

molemen records


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