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Pirates of the Caribbean II - (warning spoilers)

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So I have been seriously looking forward to the PII movie this year and have been keeping up with it and when it came out I immediately announced to the family that we were going.

Braved the lines and found ... we couldn't get in. Bugger. Came back later and waited the better part of an hour and a half in lines in order to get in the theater and to get some seats together (seven of us). Finally got in there just to hear a bunch of idiots doing pirate talk for the better part of half an hour (or dressed up as ones .. whew). Anyhooo ...

Movie starts up, and of course the whole place just goes silent to watch the film.

Not bad, but disapointing really I have to say. The movie had some great scenes in it, but the one thing that really bites my ass is the fact that is a 'to be continued' type movie. I HATE that. I want to see a movie in the complete. When the first movie was over you got to think, wow, good movie, hope they make another one. When the second one is made its like, hrmmm, now I have to see the third one if I want to see what happens.

Hate, hate, hate that sort of stuff.

Still, some nice plots and twists in there, some interesting changes with the characters and there were some rather neat scenes in there overall which really got me laughing or enraptured.

Do have to say though, that last bit of the film with Jack Sparrow and the Kraken seemed a bit off for the bluescreen - but maybe that was me. Seemed to me to be the only real dicey part.

Overall, a good movie, one worth seeing, but not worth waiting hours in line for.

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I saw it this weekend as well, and agree with many of your sentiments...

If they would have resolved ANYTHING in this one, it would have made a better film. But absolutely nothing was resolved.

I always cringe a bit when they bring back EVERYONE in a sequel....I thought they killed that Capt. Barbosa in the last one? And why is that Monkey still undead? I didn't get it.

The bad guys..both Davy Jones and the pompous British git were enjoyable characters.

I think Depp at times really overplayed the character (is that possible?)...It just seemed in the first one his quirkiness was a bit more subtle...this go around it was over the top at times, to the point it seemed like a mockery of the character...

Also a few of the scenes were just plain far fetched...The rolling skeleton cage and the rolling water trough thingy just was too cartoony for me. I can take undead pirates, diving pirate ships, giant krakens, but that just seemed too Keystone Kops for me.

Still its a fun movie to watch, and I will be looking forward to the next one.

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Matrix came to mind immediately as well when I started writing this. Really, really hated how that was done and still feel to this day that the first movie should have been the only movie.

While making comparisons, I feel that the movie maybe should have taken a page out of the book from X-men 1 and 2. You got a full movie, start to finish, with most of the drama concluded in one fashion or another which left you waiting/hoping for another movie. Of course X-men III sucked major ass, but that's besides the point.

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I agree with a lot here. I felt the whole movie though was a bit meandering, like it KNEW it wasn't going to end after the 2.5 hours were up, so it didn't need to tighten up the plot. lots of scenes felt too long, lots of scenes didn't really connect well. It took us on whole sub-plots that didn't matter (like the 30 minutes getting away from the natives). It just didn't feel like it had any desire to keep the story line together, like it did in the first one.

I agree about the wheel, who could fight on top/inside of a rolling wheel, let alone STAY on a rolling wheel that long, that didn't feel right.

The bad guys definately stole the show I thought, as supervike mentions.

I didn't like how Kierra's character turned out in this one, it didn't feel like she was well thought through and I didn't feel like she created a real coherent developed character. I did like Depps character, I thought even though he was a bit more flamboyent, it worked.

I don't even want to mention the matrix, I try not to acknowledge the creation of 2 or 3.

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I really enjoyed the film. I went into it knowing that it was the 2nd part. I thought they did a marvelous job of keeping the feel of the 1st movie. I loved that they brought back Barbosa. Depp was outstanding and I loved the twist at the end with Elizabeth kissing Sparrow.

Really my only complaint was that it was WAAAAYYYY to short. I could of gone another 2 1/2 hours. :)

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