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DQed from TT2 painting contest

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I received a pm from Nathan informing me that my mini was disqualified as it was posted on the Rackham english forums. For some reasons ( don't we love computers), I was not able to reply so I thought I'll do it here.

I totally accept the decision. It was my 1st time entering a competition here and was ignorant of the rules. I always thought as long as the mini was painted by myself and was not entered into any other competitions before its fine.

Anyway, big thank you to the people who put in so much effort to make this contest possible. I'll be back again in future contest/s. Finally, best of luck to the rest of the contestants!



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Should have been able to reply, if not, please let me know so I can look into it.

Was disapointed with the disqualification, I always am as I really hate doing it, but the rules are there and I appreciate you taking it as well as you have. Feel free to post your figure here for comment and critique, I for one enjoyed the heck out of it.

Catch you in the next one.

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Great job! I was quite disturbed by the mini--definitely a tribute to the job you did. The green armor is great. My only critique (which is probably more of a photography trick than anything) is that the left hand looks to be a different color than the purplish hue of the rest of the skin on the apostate. The injuries to the captives is not too gory, but definitely gets the cruelty of the apostate across. When I first saw this guy, the first thing that popped into my head was "The Spiral of Tortaurus", a short story posted by RedGoblin here at Wyrd. That was creepy too. Ugh. I think I am going to watch some Teletubbies or something...

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Thanks for the kind words. The thing about the hand being a different colour I do have an explainantion for that. The illustration done by Rackham show's the arm a slightly different from the body, and I felt it looked nice. We are used to seeing matching skintones on the arms, face, legs etc. In actual fact our skintones do vary across our body.

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