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NEWS: Dragonblood Miniatures June releases

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boy, I tell you what. I can definitely feel the cold chill in this room.

Personally I think they are all pretty cool. A good paint job and they are awesome.

I like to ask people that bash the awesomeness of the current sculptors out there to try sculpting a few of their own and post them before they start bashing others. I have tried sculpting and I have a renewed sense of respect for them indeed.

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Master Asbestos is right, these are dull! And a good paintjob would just make them well-painted, dull miniatures, nowt more.

As for the 'don't bash the sculptors until you've had a go' thing, well that's just rubbish. These are commercial sculpts. What is the point of releasing stuff if a vast majority of people don't like it or are indifferent to it? How will the sculptors/companies improve without getting decent crit?

I can't build cars, but it certainly doesn't stop me test driving them and complaining if they look shit.

If everything that was sold on this planet received a hearty reception with slaps on the back all round, we'd live in even more of a quagmire of mediocrity than we already do.

And mediocrity is a fate worse than death:D

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I agree that we have a right to criticize a companies products, whereas if the individual sculptor was just showing pictures on coolminiornot for some opinions, our responses would need to be a lot more uplifting. I think Sandra Garrity is a good sculptor it's just that these sculpts don't compare well to Edgar Ramos' or Jacques-Alexandre Gillois'.

Dragonblood is a new company and I think they should get some leeway as they build up a fanbase and try to make some money. I felt bad criticizing them because they aren't bad, they just don't compare to Rackham, Ilyad, or Wyrd :)

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Guys just because you dont like something doesnt mean it's crap.

Honestly, I like the female ones a lot. I dislike that they are three minis with the same stance given arm and head conversions, but taken individually I do in fact like them a lot.

As for the filligree thing. There are people who really like it and people who really dont, either way it's still popular and it sells which is what's important to the game companies.

Same with the Sandra Garrity complaints I just dont see it. She does good work. Often her faces are too similar to each other, but then so are Werener Klocke's. She gets as much work as she does because she's consistent, she works well from concept art, and she's popular.

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Guys just because you dont like something doesnt mean it's crap

You are right, stick an IMO on the end of my post.

My problem is that i find these really boring in the same way I find most of what reaper puts out boring, dull, repetitive and crap IMO. It's the same characters in the same poses but with a bit of filigree added.

Oh and integral bases too - icing on the cake.

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These models are similar to the sitcom w/ the doofus dad, the smart wife, and the cute kid w/ the wisecracks. Or the movie where things go BOOM! every few minutes to conceal the fact that nothing requiring thought was involved in the production.

Same crap, so why bother?

I don't care for Crunch-Waffle minis, but I give them endless credit for trying new things, thus, no slagging off from me! If they hire Sandra Garrity to do another Breck girl w/ a sword, let the slagging begin!

Tom Meier did great sculpts in the late 70s, and continues to try new things and hone his considerable talent. Yes, he's still doing elves, just like he did Ral Partha elves in '79(?), but look at how gorgeous they are...

If SG did Breck girls like the past 20 years were just practice, and they were stunning, I'll be the first to eat my words and sing her praises.

I promise!

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Read this with a bit of interest yesterday I must admit.

First, the miniatures that Eric is producing are single figures that have a ton of different options to them so that if you want her to have this weapon, or that head, or this or that, you can go ahead and customize it how you feel. Much like his wizards he put out some time back.

My personal taste, Sandra Garrity isn't it. She's popular enough though, she gets lots of buisness, so obviously there are individuals out there that like her sculpting and just as obviously folks must be buying them.

Saying that everything must get a pat on the back or someone shouldn't be able to critique something unless they can do better is just a bit off to be honest, but that's in my book, milage may vary of course.

Myself, I can't sculpt for the life of me, but I know what I like, and running a buisness, I damn well won't pay for something that I think is subpar and won't make it through the consumers. I've already shot down more than a few individuals looking for work or trying to show me some work, not because I think they aren't good, but because their style doesn't fit my view of what Wyrd is about. Might surprise you to know some of the names on that list.

I would LOVE it if everyone thought Wyrd was the greatest thing in the world and sales went through the roof and everything I touched was golden, but to be damned honest, some stuff that I thought was going to blow the lid off got barely a 'meh' while other stuff that I was worried about sold great and had fantastic reception. Just goes to show that opinions and likes can differ. Wyrd has been torn apart on some forums (and ya'll think I don't read these things .. pfft - heh).

These latest two, from my point of view, I'm not impressed with, though Eric obviously has a look that he is going for and I think he is achieving it and doing a bloody good job at. I support Eric in what he is doing (in so much if he even cares or knows, but hey, its the thought eh?), but at the same time, folks are free to voice their opinions. Maybe a touch of thought to it before you tear them up (honey and vinegar), but feel free to express your opinions and debate them. I for one find it interesting and entertaining.

Now to bring it back on topic slightly - though I might now care for these two releases, I do like the draconic ones he's done.

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