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depressed !

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I don't know about you guys, but I've got a severe case of post natal (post Nathan ?) depression : after painting about 10 figs for this contest and 4 for another one (Fozzbozz) in about 3 weeks time, I'm no longer able to paint anything...

I can't even come near my hobby room : all this excitement over the "birth" of my minis and suddenly emptiness, void...

Commenting is done, voting is done, nothing left to do but wait and see (no hope to win anything this time though, there's so many entries that are far better than mine !)

Am I alone in this hopeless state ?

Doctor's orders : I need a new contest !

So Nathan, for the sake of all those who are suffering from the same symptoms, we need help ! Please tell us : when is the next contest ? :pray:


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Give me about two months or so to recoupe a small bit (and to give Valloa a break, woman has been creating lists and typing her fingers off) before the next one.

Likely to start up in May/Jun and go until Jun/July - odds are sooner than later, as we started this one off just a bit later than I would have liked and of course we've got to keep in consideration the contest for Halloween and then the end of the year contest. In there somewhere I'm planning on a Wyrd Writing Contest as well as straight up 'Wyrd' painting contest in there somewhere (with a very special prize I might add, but more on that down the road).

Plenty of goodies and activities planned out for the year, I'll be sitting down with a calendar over the next week or so and genuinely plotting out dates so that everything meshes together properly.

Oh, and I have to buy some new chains for Moderator Valloa, she almost managed to break the moorings and links on the last one that we had her chained down with in front of the computer. I'm worried she'll start on a limb here soon in desperation as well, so perhaps a muzzle too.

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Great news Nathan !

This acts like a lead injection directly through my base...or a nice patch of TCR...it gets rid of the darklining under my eyes...

writing, now that is something new, remember having done something in that department, where are my files ?; nobody moves !

running off to the coffee machine to get a refill :dancing2:

Cheers !

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I know I've got no chance of winning a prize in this one but thats not why I enter, it's the feedback that I find most valuable. I think this is a very challenging contest as females are harder to paint well IMO. Give me a dwarf or a monster to paint any day :thumb:

Got a week off next week so will be stripping a bunch of old half done stuff and getting some practice in, I'm at the stage where my painting is staying at the same level (or going backwards) and would really like to improve this and my photography.

The thing I hate most is preparing a mini for painting, I'm crap with greenstuff and tend to glue my fingers together at least 3 times in the process.

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yeah, I know the feeling also, but I've learned just to not worry about it or fight it. I know I'll be back to the painting table soon enough, and that it will pass. I tried to force myself to the table once, and I just couldn't paint right, the paint just would not cooperate until I was in a frame of mind where I wanted to paint again.

I have found it is a good time to plan projects. I usually think about color schemes, minitures to paint, techniques, and usually something really starts to pull my attention, which in turn gets me excited to go back to the paint and try it.

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I know I've got no chance of winning a prize in this one but thats not why I enter, it's the feedback that I find most valuable. I think this is a very challenging contest as females are harder to paint well IMO. Give me a dwarf or a monster to paint any day :thumb:

Got a week off next week so will be stripping a bunch of old half done stuff and getting some practice in, I'm at the stage where my painting is staying at the same level (or going backwards) and would really like to improve this and my photography.

The thing I hate most is preparing a mini for painting, I'm crap with greenstuff and tend to glue my fingers together at least 3 times in the process.

Same here for comments! If I don't enter the contests then I never finish anything. I got some great feedback on my Medusa/Deadly Duel entry - especially the eyes (thanks everyone!). I didn't like them, but wasn't exactly sure what to do to make them look like I wanted. Cindy's advice was spot on so I'm going to work on it before I post it to my gallery here and over at CMON.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I find I often go through the same thing every time I finish a miniature. I think it's because I hate starting them, and that's the only thing to be done once you finish..

Haven't really found a workaround yet..


My workaround: never actually finish anything, then you don't have the tedious 'just a few more highlights here, a little fix there' at the end, and you never have to start anything new! No, wait...eternal limbo is not good, either. Never mind, forget I said anything. :-)

I haven't been back to the painting table since the contest closed, either. It's good to know I'm not alone in feeling a bit burned out, or a short-term lack of enthusiasm for beginning something new. It's starting to pass, though -- I've been kicking around some color schemes and have a couple of minis I couldn't finish in time for the Wyrd FF contest. I had planned on a total of five for the contest, but a combination of real life interference, my slow skills and a previously undiscovered miscast mini cut the field to two. In the 11th hour, I had to go with only one or miss the deadline entirely. What a learning experience.

The whole contest was a learning experience, really. It forced me to finish something -- anything -- and that was a good thing. That makes two finished already this year, which is double what I had finished in the previous six years combined! Woooot! :congrats:

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