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Minis for Christmas?!

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Wow! I finally got miniatures for Christmas! After being into this hobby for 5 years!

The wife got me my Artizan Paratroopers ( the wrong pack, but it seems to have been the company's mix-up) and she threw me a few $$ from our gifts to buy myself the Bronze Age Miniatures Greeks I've been drooling over, although they didn't get here yet...

All in all, sweet! :thumb:

Anyone else score? (Minis, I mean... :) )

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I got a Magnificent Egos Avril the Winged Elf Maiden, a Fenryll Female Butterfly, and a Reaper Warlord Cinder Dragon. Also, ordered but didn't arrive in time for Christmas was the Confrontation Royal Guard of Doriman box, Dark Age's Dragyri Blizzard and Frostbite and a few more Reaper minis I liked.

For my husband I got the Confrontation Varghar wolfen, the Fenryll Master Vampire and Iron Golem, The Pegasus Hobbies Syberclicks construction set, and a large tube of green stuff.

@ FF- You have competition, Nathan! My FozzBozz order (which arrived Christmas eve, what timing!) had a little package of Skittles and some Starburst candies in it! I may have to choose my ordering company soon by what kind of sugary treats they send! :tongue2:

I hope everybody got lots of great loot! Merry Christmas!

:gimmie!: :gimmie!: :gimmie!: :gimmie!:

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Heh, no miniatures on this end but a nice holiday none-the-less. Sounds like some good swag there.

@ Duende - heh, yeah, there are four or five companies that have been sending them out this month that I've read about here or there, I got a tickle out of it, but I am by no means the first. Damn, gonna have to find some addictive candy now ...


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Ooh I got the Confrontation Vahgar Wolfen.

Also I got the Maximus figure that looks exactly like Russell Crowe by Lattorre(?)

But the best one was a Hospitalier Knight from Andreas......that figure is simply the best lump of lead Ive seen and Im going to spend hours and hours lovingly caressing it with my brush.

Im fancying collecting those knights. Next will be the Orlando Bloom Kingdom of Heaven lookylikey.


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nothing at all in terms of minis, but I think my family is a little intimidated and don't even know where to start buying these things. Oh well, I didn't do so poorly in terms of other presents, so now I can use the money I saved on buying other stuff for painting supplies, right?

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Maya gave me a box of minis, and, because I always misplace at least one present, I found another big box of minis, including some 54mm. Not sure how long they have been lost , but some are out of production and some of the manufactures seem to be out of business as well.:) And I found some jewelry I bought for presents last Christmas. It was a banner year for long-lost items. This year I misplaced the scratch-off and the lottery tickets, but found them late Christmas Eve just in time to stuff into the stockings. :dancing2:

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I certainly wasn't expecting a porcelain guinea pig. But it was very welcome and is currently looking not-very fierce on my sculpting table.

Steve B

I have heard that REAL guinea pigs are quite a detriment to painting and sculpting, as they like to spread fine dust everywhere! Maybe porcelain is the way to go :)

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