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RAFM - Pissin' in the Wind ....

Nathan Caroland

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RAFM - Rank and File Miniatures


Has anyone done any buisness with this company at all? I recently put in a sizeable order on the 22nd of last month for some miniatures for the Rotten Harvest contest which I thought would be just perfect, and of course, pointed it out to a friend as well and she put in a good sized order as well as I understand it.

This was on the 22nd of September, and S&H for $7. Little steep, but I figured, hey, coming from Canada and it should be here pronto, plenty of time to get some painting in. Wrong.

It is now the 10th of October, and despite three e-mails, I have yet to receive my items or a response. I'm giving them until the 20th of October before I call my credit card company and dispute the charges (before the 30 days is up) as frankly, I'm rather pissed about the whole situation as odds are I'm not going to get painted the other miniatures that I had hoped to.

I remember the company from 'way back' and like a lot of their stuff and had my shopping cart filled up to a bit over $300 worth of stuff before I settled on some realistic numbers, but honestly, unless I can walk out the door with it, I doubt I'll ever put another online order in with them.

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I bought something from them and never got anything for months. They don't reply to email either. I did eventually get my order though but I forgot how long it took. Definitely in excess of 3 months. It just poped into the mail at some stage without warning.

If you need to, try getting their attention on tmp, someone from there reads the threads and sometimes responds to it. I think he goes by the name smiley or somthing like that

edit: ah, managed to find the thread I was whinging on



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I normally try to deal with a company, in some way, on a personal level if I ever think I might stock their product directly from them on a professional one. I placed a small personal order with Rafm three weeks ago. No response to emails inquiring about it, etc. Today I called about the order and told that it was "packaged" up but not sent, that they could get it in the mail tomorrow but it would take several weeks to get to me. When the urgency of the package was stressed (heck I had minis in there I wanted to paint up for the Rotten Harvest) they said they'd look into an alternate route through New York rather than use their postal service. Time will tell but I'm not impressed regardless. I would suggest that if anyone actually *needs* to order directly from them you follow up with a phone call within three days to see if they sent your package and request a charge back to your card if you call and they haven't mailed within a week.


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WHY is customer service so hard? seriously people!!!

That's about the depth of my rant on this subject. lol

I think the first time ordering with a company it's a good idea to do it by phone, you can tell a lot more from a voice than you can from an online shopping cart :)

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It is a little funny how much one or two really bad experiances can affect the way a community, like Wyrd Games, precives a company.

Its a little like this:

Nathan :ripped: RAFM :2: Maya :ripped:

:AR15firin :argh: :rocketwho

The rest of us:


What really sucks is now we may not have a good supplier for RAFM mini's, all because there shipping department is shite.

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Drake, I want you to know I laughed for about five minutes and I'm now wiping away the tears in order to see straight. Sorry, that was just too damn funny.

That being said, you are 100% correct that community perceptions could be swayed due to a couple of vocal individuals, for either good or bad. In this case, I hope for the better, as I honestly feel that RAFM blows donkey load.

Now, I am happy to say though, that Noble Knight Games (www.nobleknightgames.com) carries most of the RAFM stuff (though I found their categories a bit whacked and found most of my stuff in searches) with some damn good discounts too. Top that off, I put the order in yesterday and put in a little note about the situation with RAFM. The CALLED me this morning to let me know that they sent it out and that I will have it Thursday and wished me good luck with the painting contest.

Now that's plain cool.

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Two things ... first I'm going to vent.

RAFM, plain and simple, a bunch of twits and I STRONGLY suggest no one do buisness with them. I got my money back, after having a discussion on the phone with the owner, who frankly, sounded as if he didn't give a shiat and more importantly, couldn't figure out my order in the least bit. Got pissed off when I told him I wanted a full refund, and all but hung up on me, but he refunded the money.

Now the refund came in today - good. Except the dumbarse didn't refund me everything as he tried to get away with exchange rates, etc. EXCUSE ME, I paid XXXX in USD, I expect XXXX in USD returned, not the Canadian equivalent. It isn't a lot of money, but it is enough that I'm rather pissed off in general about this sort of behavior.

Now, the good part.

Noble Knight Games. Alright, these guys have done me right and I am quite happy with them. I put in my order, explained to them in a little message that these were for a contest, and they shipped them out the same day and gave me a call in the morning to make certain that I knew it was on its way, and to wish me luck in the contest (heh, don't think they knew I was actually running the contest). Hell, that's just plain cool.

Package arrived today, everything is in it. and truth be known, I'm damn pleased. I'm happy to give Noble Knight Games two big thumbs up and recommend them.

Now - I'm going to go and waste more Karma on RAFM, hopefully all their lead rots overnight.

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