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Maining Misaki, What out of key words are needed?


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So I started with Ten Thunders and I pretty much only enjoyed Misaki, so i switched to Guild. I enjoy guild but I miss Misaki, I was thinking of doing what one of my friends is doing and just stick with one master and their two titles and just learn them inside and out best as i can. I already have most of if not all of Last Blossom but what other key words would I need to look for? For example in most of my guild crews I'll take a guild lawyer. Not that I think there's going to be anything quite as good as the Guild Lawyer or the Guild Mage. 

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7 hours ago, Rakthen said:

So I started with Ten Thunders and I pretty much only enjoyed Misaki, so i switched to Guild. I enjoy guild but I miss Misaki, I was thinking of doing what one of my friends is doing and just stick with one master and their two titles and just learn them inside and out best as i can. I already have most of if not all of Last Blossom but what other key words would I need to look for? For example in most of my guild crews I'll take a guild lawyer. Not that I think there's going to be anything quite as good as the Guild Lawyer or the Guild Mage. 

My first question in these situations is always -" When you play her, where do you think you excel, and where do you think you struggle?"

And then you need to decide if you want to push your strengths more, or if you want to cover your weaknesses. 

Thunders have quite a wide range of tech options, often as versatile, so you can probably find a model that does roughly what you need somewhere in the list. 

You can increase your firing line by hiring Samurai, who are also pretty good against Armoured models, you can take charm wardens to deal with demise/summons, Lotus eaters to remove markers, low river monk or Sun Quaing to provide a healer, shadow effigy can help with scheming, as can Desper and wanderign river monks and so forth. 

So  my typical Misaki play style is one where I use her as a distraction. She will be used as a threat into the enemy crew to try and force them to stay dealing with her whilst the rest of the crew scores me points relatively unopposed, so I might use models that help heal her or increase the threat on lone enemy models. I pick on a strength, and try and tilt the list as much towards that as possible, hoping that my opponent can't counter it. I'd look towards shooting and mobile models to maximise that.

The alternative view that the crew doesn't have a solid front line since Misaki is potentially not on the table for a lot of the turn may see a player want to hire something to draw the attention, and allow Misaki to deal with lone threats. Then I might look to a big hitter to join ototo, maybe Izamu, or the Emissary or dawn serpent, or Obsidian statue to provide a solid front that they can't ignore. 

I know this doesn't really answer your question, but that is because there are several different answers, and not all of them are right for you. 


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I'm new Misaki player too. I like to play most in KW and add some tech tools depend of enemies i'm gonna face.

My typical 50ss list is:

Size: 50 - Pool: 5
  Misaki Katanaka
  Minako Rei
  Jin Baccara
    Silent Protector
  Terracotta Warrior
  Karmic Fate

Torakage is a great scheme runner with stealth, mv7 and a pseudo leap with a 7+ card. 

With Fuhatsu you can support Ototo and Misakis melee attacks and if you fail there is no problem, you can draw a card or draw-discard and you get an scheme far away for torakage's leap or for any other scheme you are running.

Terracota Warrior goes behind Fuhatsu for TtH so he can avoid 2 attacks before you remplace with other model. And he draws a card each activation he made.

Minako is a great hechman, my first turn i usually try to summon one to two katashiro so you outnumbered your rival and get control of the table. They are great scheme runners and perfect for hunting enemie support models.

But i'm pretty new player with Misaki so other players can explain you better tactics.

I really like Crime Bosses and Thunder Archer's too so depends of the game you can switch with other models. And Effigy is great too.

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  • 6 months later...

I'm a huge Misaki fan!!

My usual crew is Misaki and Sheng with Ototo as an auto pic 9/10 times

Torakage and Thunder Archer are also nearly always auto pics for me as the Torakage movement is brilliant, but they can go down very easily so Silent Protector can be useful to give them Hard to Kill. The Thunder Archer is brilliant as it can sit back and either snipe off enemy scheme markers or shoot at enemy models and I reckon that of all my damage dealing models then the Thunder Archer usually averages the highest amount of damage for me. The Chi tokens are brilliant and the blast damage is always useful!

The Sniper and Katanaka Crime Boss are very situational for me based on the Strat and Schemes but are good in their own ways

Minako is great for scheme marker pools as the Katashiro are brilliant for this

Recently started using Jin Baccara who I am really getting to like 

Dawn Serpant and Lone Swordsman are great verstiles to run with Misaki, so are the Samurai and Fuhatsu

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