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Bully and Mage Interaction


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I have a Bully character who has jumped to Mage pursuit, and wants to boost her Terrorize manifested power. 

Can she add Immuto to her power as it doesn't have a TN.  She want's to add  Increased Duration (TN +2) to make it last longer than 1 round, and to make it Pulse (TN+4)  so those around the initial target would have to make a TN10 Willpower test. 

Can I let her do this, and would the TN now be TN=6? 

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It isn't clear which Talent you are trying to use to add the Immuto, but both of them ("New Manifestation" and "Triggered Immuto") state that they do not change the TN.

I don't think that the "New Manifestation" Talent can be used like that regardless, as it specifies that it can add Immuto to a "Manifested Power spell", which I'm pretty sure should say "Spell-Like Manifested Powers" (Into The Steam is occasionally a little outdated and wonky with it's rules and terminology).

You should be able to use the Triggered Immuto Talent, but I expect that you'd want to be able to use one of the other Triggers that are available in the Bully Pursuit, unless you haven't picked any of them? The Wastrel and Collaborator Pursuits both get Talents that allow you to declare two Triggers on a single action/attack, so you could go that rout, or maybe get a version of one of those Talents as a destiny step?

Other than all that, there's always the Tradition Magical Theory, but that would make all the Manifested powers that you got from the Mage Pursuit less efficient.

Hope this helped (= 

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3 hours ago, Ebb said:

It isn't clear which Talent you are trying to use to add the Immuto, but both of them ("New Manifestation" and "Triggered Immuto") state that they do not change the TN.

I don't think that the "New Manifestation" Talent can be used like that regardless, as it specifies that it can add Immuto to a "Manifested Power spell", which I'm pretty sure should say "Spell-Like Manifested Powers" (Into The Steam is occasionally a little outdated and wonky with it's rules and terminology).

You should be able to use the Triggered Immuto Talent, but I expect that you'd want to be able to use one of the other Triggers that are available in the Bully Pursuit, unless you haven't picked any of them? The Wastrel and Collaborator Pursuits both get Talents that allow you to declare two Triggers on a single action/attack, so you could go that rout, or maybe get a version of one of those Talents as a destiny step?

Other than all that, there's always the Tradition Magical Theory, but that would make all the Manifested powers that you got from the Mage Pursuit less efficient.

Hope this helped (= 

Yeah She is looking to put the New Manifestation as her step 0 as one and then take the other as her step 1. 
as both can add an immuto with out adding a TN, so no TN for her pulse, 2 round, Terrorise power. 

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I agree with Ebb, as written, the rules do not allow you to boost the Terrorize Talent in such a way, but it is your game, and you can allow whatever you please.

Understand, allowing your player to tweek the rules and enhance their Terrorize ability is going to be very strong. Personally, I would encourage your player to find a more creative way to enhance Terrorize; maybe a Manifest Power that attacks opponents WP, etc.

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Yeah, I might get her to take a new spell-like manifested power but have a similar effect. 
Perhaps Terrifying aura but make it Intimidate+Tenacity based, reduce it down in range to 3 yards, and thus bring it back to TN: 8 
this would give her a near similar thematic effect, that would last 1 minute. 

What do you think of keeping it as a Terror dual, or bestowing the Terrified Condition, so that her subsequent bully abilities will work on it.  


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