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Any part of the base


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4) Barely at all. If a model is on a rooftop and ends a move 1mm over the edge, does it suddenly move a whole base width forward and down to whatever is below? 3mm? There's always a bit of issue dealing with most decent terrain. We've always done something along the lines of what Warcry recently codified. If the center of the base is on the terrain, it's fine.

Neither is a perfect answer, but I'm more comfortable with a size 4 golem with 51% of it's base on the roof staying up there than I am with him falling off because his toe is over the edge.

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1 hour ago, LeperColony said:

The rules for falling state that the model falls if "any part of its base supported by terrain or table."

For the record, your quote is bad because it leaves out the part "is ever without".  More completely:  "If a model is ever without any of its base supported by terrain or table, that model falls ...".


As a general matter, how strict have you been in applying "any part?"

1)  Literally

2)  Virtually (a sliver of the lip or something being fine)

3)  Flexibly (you'll allow a little hanging)

4). By means of a ten page essay.  :P 

Abbreviated Essay answer:

The two big issues that came up with the falling rules and the 'base support' rules during the beta were:

  • Models gaining free movement by falling as soon as any small portion of the underside of their base is exposed to air.
  • The game has 30mm, 40mm, and 50mm base sizes, and people still have terrain collections with 1" thick walls.

Notice the caption for the example in the column across from that text:


As soon as Rasputina's base is no longer on terrain or the table, she falls and suffers damage ...

and while that diagram isn't drawn to the same quality of scale, the gap size is closer to "Rasputina moved about 30mm, and then she fell" rather than "Rasputina moved one 1mm, fell to the ground, and then continued the movement."

In practice, I think it comes down to two points:

1.  Take a blank "stunt" base of the proper size and put it where the model would be standing.  If the "stunt" base falls down, your model is going to fall down.  (If the players reach this point and start agreeing with each other that the base is supposed to be able to remain somewhere even though the "stunt" base is falling over, that agreement will negate falling and the players should get some poster tack or something, and more spare bases....  👷‍♀️ )

2.  If the model falls during a movement effect, any change in horizontal position counts against any remaining distance for the movement effect being resolved.  If the horizontal distance exceeds the remaining distance, congratulations, 🎉 you got "free" bonus horizontal distance to go with your "free" bonus vertical distance.  🎉

A 1" think wall can support a 50mm base standing on top of it.  At the same time, if you put a 30mm base (or that 50mm base) on top of that 1" wall and start nudging it, it's going to fall over once you its center of gravity past the edge.  

As long as there's only terminal free movement, I don't think anyone is going to mind.

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