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Dual triggers for spells (And other skills)

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I'm playing the Tabletop RPG- not the skirmish game...

How do you get multiple triggers for spells,  without already having a suit 'attached' to a magic skill? 

Ex: if Necromancy requires crows to be flipped (or cheated) to even CAST the spell,  how can you achieve a trigger for a non-crow suit - Tomes, let's say? 

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From the top of my head, I *believe* there is no way to declare two triggers (unless there is a high level pursuit/advanced pursuit that allows it that I'm unaware of)

So far as having multiple suits in a final duel total, you either have the Talent (after completing two destiny steps) which adds a suit of choice to a chosen skill, allowing you to use the natural flip on top of the tagged on suit;

Or the two core Magic based pursuits (dabbler and graverobber) allow you to have a Tome added to Sorcery or a Crow added to Necromancy, thus freeing up the range of triggers after a small number of sessions.

Magic users are limited by design early level but become very powerful later on, in the first few sessions, even getting a spell cast is a nightmare, but later on with careful use of EXP you'll be auto-casting spells and have plenty left over for Immutos which are game-changers.

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I think

- the dabbler pursuit adds a tome to spells.
- The grave digger adds crows.
- The management one (can't remember name) maybe has a thing that lets you spend a cheat card to add a suit to someone elses action
- one of the magic traditions maybe adds a suit

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The Academic Pursuit has the Mental Conditioning Talent which allows the character to add one Suit of their choice to any Skill associated with a Mental Aspect.

Other sources of Suits not yet mentioned here, which could potentially be added to spells, include:

- Set 'Em Up from the Collaborator Pursuit

- Strike First from the Infiltrator Pursuit

- Powder Wars Training from the Freikorps Advanced Pursuit

- Death Ascendant from the Grave Servant Advanced Pursuit

- Puppet Master from the Bokor Pursuit

- Klaatu, Barada, N... from the Copy Cat Pursuit

- Magic Seeker from the Mage Killer Advanced Pursuit

Additionally (with the Fatemasters' permission) you should be able to add Suits to Skills using Manifested Talents gained from completing Destiny Steps.

On 7/1/2019 at 10:42 PM, diki said:

- The management one (can't remember name) maybe has a thing that lets you spend a cheat card to add a suit to someone elses action

(Supervision form the Overseer Pursuit)

On 7/1/2019 at 4:11 PM, The13Fates said:

From the top of my head, I *believe* there is no way to declare two triggers (unless there is a high level pursuit/advanced pursuit that allows it that I'm unaware of)

Both the Wastrel Pursuit and the Collaborator Pursuit allow characters to declare multiple Triggers on a single action, so long as it's two different Triggers.

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