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Stiched as a plot device

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There are many ways to die in Malifaux, and even more ways to be resurrected. But, as Fated characters, you should not rely on the Fated dying to advance the plot. Firstly, Fated a really hard to kill, secondly, the players might get angered by a permanent change in their character that they had no control over. So I would advise only setting up potentially deadly situations that can be averted or outright avoided. Regarding resurrection methods however,

Some ideas include:

Resurrected by Necromancy, simple and straightforward.

Resurrected by chemistry, notable example being H.P Lovecraft’s Herbert West: Reanimator, or the use of a Necrotic Machine from Under Quarantine.

Resurrected by Soulstone, perhaps the Fated was Killed with a soulstone bullet and quite ironically is being sustained by its own entrapped soul.

Reaurrected by Voodoo, through a shamanic ritual, the Fated was brought back to serve a specific purpose.

Resurrected by vengeance, the Fated’s vengeful spirit brought it back as a revenant hellbent on exacting revenge.

Resurrected by machines, mechanical implants all over the fated’s body keep it alive after death.

Resurrected by spirits, an (un)friendly spirit inhabits the fateds dead body giving it a semblance of resurrection.

Resurrection as a Promethean, everyone knows the tale of Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein. Another notable example is Osiris who died and was partially resurrected by Isis.

Becoming an Autumn Knight, death by and resurrection by Titania in the service of her court.

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We're just playing through "One Night In Rottenburg" at the moment - it has a setup where a cannonball can do a nasty amount of damage to the Fated, and suggest that if any of them die, the player may be given the option to come back as a Revenant (Advanced Pursuit, Under Quarantine), looking to avenge their death. So that's an "official" version of how it can be done.

All of @Steamtastic Vagabond's ideas are excellent. As already mentioned tho, I'd make sure to figure out first whether the players would actually be okay with playing a Stitched. Some may hate the idea, so basing a storyline around it might not fly.

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One thing I have considered but not tried yet is to tie it to a fate, whether it is when they resist or accept their fate one of the options will kill them.  Then put the barb that potential undead resurrection might be on plate if they choose the one that involves dying.  Take that shot for the lovely lady that you are escorting to safety... turns out she was a resser and brings you back to return the favor.

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Mechanically, next to nothing would change (certainly not their destiny, not even death ends that contract) save for targeting in certain effects as well as effective immunity to poison, suffocation and most disease. But, the character implications are colossal and as a Fate Master I would play with in a borderline sadistic fashion as the newly stitched Fated must now cope with dying, being resurrected, and learning the hard way that you are now even lower class than an orphaned shoe shiner.

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