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Pariah's Soul vs. Forgotten to Time


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Hi, people, I have a question.

Leveticus have an ability Pariah's Soul: When this model killed or sacrificed, it not killed or sacrificed. Instead, bury this model. Remove all conditions and heal all damage on this model.

Scion of the Void has a trigger Forgotten to Time: After this model becomes buried, it suffers 4 damage.

Question: If Leveticus have this condition and use his (0) Sanguine Evocations and burying himself he's suffered 4 damage from the condition and then remove the condition and heal all damage or he's first removing the condition and it has no effect?

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1 hour ago, thatlatinspeakingguy said:

I think Levi buries and heals all damage first, and then comes "after burying" step when he suffers 4 damage. btw this kind of questions should be asked in question rules forum.

Thanks, ask on rules forum.

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Pariah's Soul: When this model is killed or
sacrificed, it is not killed or sacrificed. Instead,
bury this model. Remove all Conditions and
heal all damage on this model.

As removing coditions and healing occurs at the same time the models owner can decide in which oder they are played out. So first he looses conditions then he heals.

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