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Fire in the Sky and the Crazy Condition


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Hi, so, just finished reading my copy of Fire in the Sky. 


I jave a question:


All the cultists (including Tlalli) have the Crazy Condition. Meaning their Mental duels should be reduced by the same amount. This would mean their Willpower final totals are very low (though it doesn't show this in the stats) and Tlalli is essentially a wet lettuce: her main attack is The Light of Creation, a theoretically devestating 3/4/5B attack that causes Blind, only she has an AV of 8T (though the Tome seems mostly cosmetic as she has no triggers, I assume it is a 'well it is a Sorcery spell' sort of thing) and her Obey has an AV of just 11M.


As she's likely to be a final battle in the adventure she's a pretty huge anti-climax!

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The Willpower of the cultists is, as you note, very low. That's one of the downsides of being crazy like whoa.


Per the adventure, Tlalli primarily focuses on supporting the other cultists with her Blood in the Air and the occasional Obey (which she can use to give them additional Actions), but if she ends up in combat, there are a few factors

With 2e TTB, Henchmen like Tlalli can use their Fate Points for some additional effects, including gaining a :+fate to an Action (which translates to a :-fate for the Fated). That tends to make her Light of Creation much more accurate, as the Fated are defending at a disadvantage and won't be able to cheat their Defense flips.

If you don't have the Core Rules or just want to make her more impressive, just drop her Crazy value down a couple points and carry on.  :)

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Well as the Core Rules aren;t out for another month...


But the issue is that this also wasn;t accounted for in final AV of any of the NPCs. The whole point of calculating them was so Fatemasters could focus on story rather than maths, surely these numbers should have been included.

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4 minutes ago, pgholland said:

Well as the Core Rules aren;t out for another month...


But the issue is that this also wasn;t accounted for in final AV of any of the NPCs. The whole point of calculating them was so Fatemasters could focus on story rather than maths, surely these numbers should have been included.

It was a choice between leaving them separate and allowing for a bit of math or adding them in and risking the chance that Fatemasters would apply the penalty twice. We decided to go with the first option, as it lessens the risk of such a mistake, though I can certainly appreciate the thought that it should have gone the other way.

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