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Hi chaps! I just started using the show off upgrade in Somer lists. I find it fun and fluffy! I imagine it like the gremlins carry explosives and when they are in a difficult position they hand them and run away! Hahaha. I would like to "power game it" as well tho. I see a lot of potential there (and apparently i have to paint less models :P)! I have some topics to discuss my forum friends!

- Burt!! He is immune to pulses!

- Any tricks on how to use this upgrade most effectively? How many gremlins you think realistically you have simultaneously on board?

- I know that the stupid arachnids and the stupid friecorps are immune to pulses.. (they are not stupid but just try to be funny). Do you know any other models with this type of immunity? 

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Immunity I'm not familiar with, so I can't weigh in there.

Other things this build could use (I've been wanting to try it for a while but never got around to it) is a delivery system.  Pigapult probably isn't the best way of doing it, but Lenny can throw them up the board, and Iron Skeeters can bring them along for the ride.  Trixiebelle to a certain extent, if you get her positioned correctly could also do it.  If you're worried about hitting your own with it, I'd throw Merris into the thick of it as well, but she's semi-fragile so I'd be careful.

I've gotten into the habit of using Mancha Roja as a tank, with his Challenge to protect my other models.  His Wp duel isn't the highest around, but I believe it's a 14, so that's a moderate to high card for most models to pass and attack a different target.  Just need to make sure he doesn't die.  6 Df is good, but he doesn't have much else keeping him upright.

Another option I've really been wanting to try could be the Iron Skeeter upgrade.  They turn a model into a bomb on a Wp duel (friendly or enemy).  At the end of the condition the model takes 2 damage, and models in (I think) 2" :pulse take 2 damage.  If the condition kills the original model, then models in 2" :pulse take 4 damage instead.  Pretty brutal in a Som'er summoning list.  Although it's a once per turn action, so it takes a little wind out of the sails.  Having the Pigapult with this list would work much better.  The bayou gremlin comes in at 2 wounds, then the condition does 2 more and kills it, doing 4 damage to anything nearby.  This is the one I've been wanting to try, but it would work better off as a late activation in the turn, to make sure your opponent can't walk away from the paralyzed Bayou Gremlin.

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The "truffle shuffle" is a good method of delivering your suicide gremlins. A Somer Summon Factory to replace your losses is definitely the best option for "power gaming" this. It is a fun build but also one that is fairly telegraphed and somewhat easy to take a part. I would build your crew to be able to transition to something else if you are going to go this route.

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