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Incorporeal Models, Flying Models & Terrain/Actions



1. If an incorporeal or flying model end a push or a walk in hazardous terrain suffer damages from hazardous terrains..is it correct?

2. If a flying or incorporeal model activates inside an hazardous terrain (without having already taken damages from it during the turn) and declare a walk action doesn't take damages? If the hazardous terrain was generated by an aura and the model declared first a disengaging strike?

3. If an incorporeal model is pushed and behind him there is one small blocking terrain (like a little rock) does he crossed this obstacle?

4. Is it correct to say that if Lilith use her "transfixing gaze" action and push a model near an hazardous terrain the opposing player will have to do 2 flips? (one for transfixing and one for hazardous terrain?) if yes, which flips resolve first? (perhaps it has is indifferent?)


Many thanks again!! ;)

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1 hour ago, TeddyBear said:

1. If an incorporeal or flying model end a push or a walk in hazardous terrain suffer damages from hazardous terrains..is it correct?

2. If a flying or incorporeal model activates inside an hazardous terrain (without having already taken damages from it during the turn) and declare a walk action doesn't take damages? If the hazardous terrain was generated by an aura and the model declared first a disengaging strike?

3. If an incorporeal model is pushed and behind him there is one small blocking terrain (like a little rock) does he crossed this obstacle?

4. Is it correct to say that if Lilith use her "transfixing gaze" action and push a model near an hazardous terrain the opposing player will have to do 2 flips? (one for transfixing and one for hazardous terrain?) if yes, which flips resolve first? (perhaps it has is indifferent?)


Many thanks again!! ;)

1 Is unknown. I say that at the time you enter it, you ignore it, and ending a move in it isn't one of the criteria to take hazardous terrain, but others read it differently. (they do have some valid arguments such as strictly on my interpretation flying and incorporeal models can walk into impassable terrain and stay there. )

2 When you activate you take the damage. Flying/incorporeal doesn't protect you from that. so the rest of the question is mute. 

3 I assume you really mean impassable. If the rock is only blocking, then it doesn't do anything to movement, only line of sight. But it can push through impassable terrain. If the push distance isn't large enough to pass the obstacle I would say you have to stop before it because you can't get beyond it. 

4 If the piece of terrain is both severe and hazardous then yes when you enter the terrain you will take the hazardous damage and when you end in base contact with severe you will take the transfixing gaze damage. 


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There are soem areas where the rules aren't clear. Sometimes we get FAQs to help us with intent, but so far I don't think there is any formal answer to the question about what happens when you end a flight move in hazardous terrain. If you think it is going to come up in a game your best bet is to agree the outcome before you start. 


The rules for Hazardous

Hazardous - Terrain that is considered hazardous deals damage to models that
Activate while within it, or enter it (if they are pushed, moved, or placed within the
terrain). All hazardous terrain deals 1/2/4 damage by default, but some may cause
greater damage if both players wish. The opposing player flips for hazardous terrain
damage, which may not be cheated. A model may only suffer damage from each
piece of hazardous terrain once during each Turn; it is immune to further damage
from that piece of terrain during that Turn.

And Incorporeal

Incorporeal: This model ignores, and
is ignored by, other models and terrain
during any movement or push. Reduce all
damage this model suffers from Sh and Ml
Attack Actions by half.


And activation rules

In Malifaux models are Activated individually, with each model spending its Action
Points (AP) to perform Actions that can vary from a simple walk across a courtyard
to a mighty breath of fire on its enemies. Once an Activated model has spent its AP
the opposing player then gets to Activate a model and spend its AP. When a player
Activates one of her controlled models the Activation follows these steps in order:
1. Resolve “Activation” Effects
2. Generate AP
3. Take Actions
4. End Activation

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2 hours ago, TeddyBear said:

Thanks, i never took there were questions to personal interpretation..incredible..

maybe a flying or incorporeal model could  be end a move on hazardous terrain without take damages (incorporeal is a ghost, and flying could be fly on terrain) but if movement or push are generated by an enemy action maybe also flying and incorporeal models could take damages?

There's no basis for making a distinction like that, especially when there are plenty of effects where a model pushes itself, or a model moves another model (rather than pushing it).  Why would being Lure'd into hazardous terrain be safer for the Graveyard Spirit than using Calling of the Grave to push itself into the same terrain?


Instead for second question: when a model activates inside an hazardous take first damages before declaring any action?

A model that activates in hazardous terrain takes damage in the 'Resolve "Activation" Effects' step of its Activation.  That's going to be before it generates action points or declares actions.


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8 minutes ago, TeddyBear said:

however, could you plase let confirm, if a flying model takes damage as a result of a push? (in to hazardous terrain)

Flying models unlike incorporeal, ignores terrain only during movement (no push)?

(thanks for your patience and for all the answers, often i use the translator to understand better what you write and do not always translate exactly)

From the rules manual, Pushes, second paragraph:


A push is not a normal move, and it does not count as a "move" for rules purposes.

That's why a Flying model does not ignore terrain when pushed, but does ignore terrain when moving.

Each of these things requires a player to physically move a model from one point to another

  • Move
  • Push
  • Place (Placement Effects callout next to the rules for Summon) and the related Summon
  • Bury/Unbury

but only "move" is considered 'moving' or 'movement' as far as the rules are concerned.

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1 hour ago, Adran said:

1 Is unknown. I say that at the time you enter it, you ignore it, and ending a move in it isn't one of the criteria to take hazardous terrain, but others read it differently. (they do have some valid arguments such as strictly on my interpretation flying and incorporeal models can walk into impassable terrain and stay there. )

Thanks, i never took there were questions to personal interpretation..incredible..

maybe a flying or incorporeal model could  be end a move on hazardous terrain without take damages (incorporeal is a ghost, and flying could be fly on terrain) but if movement or push are generated by an enemy action maybe also flying and incorporeal models could take damages?

Instead for second question: when a model activates inside an hazardous take first damages before declaring any action?

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however, could you plase let confirm, if a flying model takes damage as a result of a push? (in to hazardous terrain)

Flying models unlike incorporeal, ignores terrain only during movement (no push)?

(thanks for your patience and for all the answers, often i use the translator to understand better what you write and do not always translate exactly)

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