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Tara in the Rezzers.


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Hey there. After a long hiatus from Malifaux i'm jumping back in to 2e. Im going Neverborn and Rezzers to start and ever since I've seen Tara's box I've always been inclined to get her box. Does her box and her toolkit work better in Rezzers or Outcasts? Or does it not really matter that much in 2e?

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I cannot say whether or not she works better in Outcasts or Rezzers since i have only played her in Rezzers but she does get a few unique tools in Rezzers. You get access to the Spare Parts upgrade, allowing Tara to become a limited summoner with Guild Autopsies and the rare Rogue Necromancy. If you abuse the beastie bomb tactic you can also attach the Decaying Aura upgrade to your beastie to more easily target Soulstone users. You also can hire powerful control models such as Belles, Nurses, and Yin the Penangalan.

I feel i must mention Bete Noire as well. She can start buried and can abuse Decaying Aura however my mileage with her as been very poor since i prefer my high cards to summon  rather than bury her. She really likes facing living targets but in order to abuse her most potent trigger to paralyze you need :crow which Karina competes for. 

I personally like to hire Toshiro with Tara and some Death Marshals to more easily bury everything as well as give buffs to Karina's summons. This is a personal preference though as apparently i have a problem and CANNOT NOT bring Toshiro... Sorry... didn't mean to turn this into Rezzers Anonymous.

There is also a good tactica you can find with some Googlefoo that goes into much more depth about Tara and her Outcast and Rezzer roles, though it has been awhile since its been updated. Hope this helps!

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7 hours ago, TheJoyInGaming said:

I feel i must mention Bete Noire as well. She can start buried and can abuse Decaying Aura however my mileage with her as been very poor since i prefer my high cards to summon  rather than bury her. She really likes facing living targets but in order to abuse her most potent trigger to paralyze you need :crow which Karina competes for. 

I'm not sure where the competition for high cards comes from for summoning -- since Karina is an enforcer, you're only holding high :crow since she can't use soulstones. Bete doesn't need a specific suit for her bury -- the :crow she needs is built in to the cast, so she just needs a 10 of any suit.

I think Bete is a very solid addition to a Tara list and works very well with her. I feel like she leans towards Ressers in general in terms of her general play style -- there seems to be more synergy with Rezzer models than there is with a lot of Outcast stuff, though having to take the Dead Of Winter upgrade to get access to her thematic models from the Outcast side -- the Nothing Beast and Void Wretches from her box, plus the Death Marshals (not Outcasts, but still part of the upgrade) -- is kind of limiting. The other part of that upgrade is definitely useful for her, but it takes away other potent three-upgrade combinations she could have. 

It's also worth noting that if she plays as an Outcast, Karina's Faces Of Oblivion upgrade allows Tara to hire Guild Autopsies, which are very useful for her in addition to being fairly thematic. 

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Just now, DefyingReality said:

I'm not sure where the competition for high cards comes from for summoning -- since Karina is an enforcer, you're only holding high :crow since she can't use soulstones. Bete doesn't need a specific suit for her bury -- the :crow she needs is built in to the cast, so she just needs a 10 of any suit. 

Sorry, i worded that poorly. The competition comes from trying to trigger the paralyze on her attack which does require another :crow

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Her crew box is just plain bad for Ressers because you can't use any of it with any master other than her, so I don't recommend her as a starting point if you intend to play a lot of the rest of the faction. Seamus has probably the most reusable box in the faction, and is also arguably the easiest Master in the faction to play.

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I take the stance that Tara is better in Ressers than Outcasts for two big reasons.

1) The models that she likes in Outcast are the kind you can hire anyways (Killjoy, and Bishop), or have access to something of equal value if not greater (looking at you Performers).

2) Being able to play towards an AP managing game, which I believe to be stronger play-style than the typical bury bomb

There is also a very good guide to her called Sound of Silence.

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