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So it's been a while... Returning to Yan Lo

Lord Shaper

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There are new Retainer models from book 4: The Goryo, 7ss Spirit minions; Qin Qiang, 8ss doctor enforcer. In addition, you might want to look at the Shadow Emissary and it's Ancestral Upgrade (book 3), if you have not been around for more then a year. Oh, and Anna Lovelace is a 9ss mercenary Resurrectioninst henchwoman that is possibly quite useful with Yan Lo. 
I intend to test the Goryo in a tournament this week (by the power of conversion and having the book), so if I don't forget I will share how useful they are. On paper the stats and abilities are great, and the models themselves (during this Black Friday, or when they are released) look awesome.

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The Goryo is really awesome, the summoning for a seishin is especially for a TT Yan Lo quite nice to give him turn 1 more chi. 1 - 2 ancestors are always worth to consider (which one you want to use is dependent on the strats and shemes). If you would like to take Toshiro in your list with summoning, you could think of using a obsidian oni, which let you drop scrap markers with his ca-attack. Emissary is also a nice addition to a Yan Lo Crew. Katanaka Sniper let you put threat to the enemy.

The Upgrades on Yan Lo I use are Fortify the Spirit and Misdirection and sometimes the Brutal Khakara (not quite sure about the name of the last, but you should understand what i mean :D)

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Look at Terracotta Warriors, they open up a couple of tricks.  

They have a (0) which lets you swap an upgrade around on a model.  So you can have Yan Lo attach ascendant upgrades then swap them out for others. So for example you can ascend the 1ss upgrade (Ash?), and then swap it for Recalled Training, every single turn.

They can also give Enforcers and Minions a condition that lets them pass one hit back to the warrior (that can then be ignored by discarding a card).  If they put this condition on Chiaki she can then pass it to Yan Lo, adding to his defense.

That and the upgrade swapping means your Shadow Emissary will almost always be fast.  

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Short list:

Seconding Shadow Emissary, Terracotta Warriors, Goryo and Anna Lovelace. I would also look at Wonder Weasel, the Kamataichi. Obsidian Oni, Sun Quiang, Yokai and Monks of Low River are all solid picks. Then there is our new henchman, Ohagura Bettari aka Black Betty.


Shadow Emissary is a stalwart model that gets a Yan Lo only upgrade that gives him fast when someone attaches an upgrade. Also makes him an ancestor for rezzing purposes and the upgrade comes back if you rez him. 

Terracotta has been explained above, but discards upgrades for new ones and gives your minions and enforcers some added protection.

Kamataichi gives a push for discarding an upgrade (say recalled training or the aforementioned Terracotta upgrade swapping) and draws a card for attaching one. Great synergy with Terracotta, Yan Lo and the Emissary with upgrade.

Anna Lovelace gives rush of magic, a really nice gun that potentially summons (but also forces horror duels) the ability to bury a model and anti-movement/placement shenanigans. Great model all the way around. Oh and a henchman with armor! Tasty with Yan Lo.

Obsidian Oni are armored, low cost minions with a decent melee and a ranged attack that drops scheme or scrap markers (scrap is built in) with a nice damage track (though bad min of 1... boo). They also have a 0 action to pitch a card and heal someone with an upgrade (non-master). SOOO good. Toshiro got an indirect buff in that Obsidian Oni can help fuel him with scrap for Komainu.

Yokai are my new favorite model in general and have SO many shenanigans. Making one a spirit with Armor seems just bonkers to me. They use the new flicker mechanic from our book 4 master. They are speedy, have :+fate on the charge, have a ton of triggers and a 0 action to place and perform a 1AP interact... they are just so good. Take some getting used to though, on managing their flicker (they sac when it reaches 0 and they start with 5, losing one a turn at least). 

Goryo are one of the new rezzer minions that is sweet as anything on paper. Good attack, can pop adversary at range, drop seishin for a 0 action, and can gain fast just by being near a buddy who gets killed... I'm really digging these guys.

Sun Quiang, the new enforcer seems SOOO good just in general, and works really really well with Yan Lo I feel. Did I mention that he heals two on his 1 AP attack at Rg 6? Or that if something takes damage he can put a card underneath your deck and walk towards the model? And if he moves at least 3" he does an interact? Even while engaged? And that's just the TIP of his iceberg. Synergy: Walk up your Goryo and take a 0 action to take 2 damage and pop out a seishin. Sun Quiang pitches a card to walk 5, drop a scheme marker and then when he activates, heals the Goryo. Yes, please.

Monks of Low River got a sweet buff in a 0 upgrade (that goes perfectly on Sun Quiang) where they get a ranged heal that can drop scheme markers. They are kind of an auto-include in a lot of my lists now because they can just double walk turn one and start healing turn two. Plus bopping off conditions is never bad and that ranged heal is deceptively amazing. Especially if you are positioned well (say from a kamataichi) and can just heal twice... 

Black Betty is really solid but struggles with being a bit too easy to kill if you aren't careful of her placement. But where she shines with Yan Lo is that she turns off defensive triggers on Df and Wp in a radius, so you can run her and lightning dance a model in nearby her... woops, no triggers for you anymore. She also has Oni syngery (yokai and obsidian) as well as synergy with Goryo/Toshiro (she can place when something summons near her). She charges without line of sight and through intervening stuff, so you can hide her. And with Yan Lo's armor up, she can be given some much needed tankiness. Last but not least she has a Rg12 "force you to walk towards me" pseudo-lure. It prevents charges and they HAVE to walk towards Betty. Which just works well in general with Yan Lo's disruption plan. All in all a really solid pick. 

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On 11/28/2016 at 8:55 PM, Eclipse said:

I intend to test the Goryo in a tournament this week (by the power of conversion and having the book), so if I don't forget I will share how useful they are. On paper the stats and abilities are great, and the models themselves (during this Black Friday, or when they are released) look awesome.

Please keep us posted! I'm interested in acquiring Goryo, and I'd love to hear your feedback on them. 

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On 11/30/2016 at 11:09 AM, Lord Shaper said:

well it seems that my list of purchases is growing... I'm going to have to sell off some stuff I think

This is what I will do after the tournament as well... Models from six factions and too many Masters really makes me lose focus. Also I want to redo some paint-jobs because honestly my current painted models are more like failed projects... :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 29/11/2016 at 9:30 AM, mythicFOX said:

Look at Terracotta Warriors, they open up a couple of tricks.  

They have a (0) which lets you swap an upgrade around on a model.  So you can have Yan Lo attach ascendant upgrades then swap them out for others. So for example you can ascend the 1ss upgrade (Ash?), and then swap it for Recalled Training, every single turn.

While you can do this, when the new upgrade is attached it follows "usual restrictions at the start of the game". This means if Yan Lo has 4+ upgrades on him when targeted, you discard 1, still have his maximum of 3 upgrades and can't attach a new one. Fine if you start with one/no upgrades, prohibitive at two, do not do this if you start with three.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/29/2016 at 10:01 AM, InvokeChaos said:

Short list:

Seconding Shadow Emissary, Terracotta Warriors, Goryo and Anna Lovelace.

Anna Lovelace gives rush of magic, a really nice gun that potentially summons (but also forces horror duels) the ability to bury a model and anti-movement/placement shenanigans. Great model all the way around. Oh and a henchman with armor! Tasty with Yan Lo.

Wont her Gravity Well/Clockwork Dress prevent Yan from moving an enemy within 8" via his Lightining Dance?

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