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Jam Warrior

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I think in 1.5 the traps were dual faction but the pathfinder wasn't: something to do with the way they worked as they were hireable by McCabe only. I didn't play 1.5, just accidentally bought the 1.5 pathfinder and tried to make sense of the cards. I think it was a practical reason for making the pathfinder dual faction, rather than fluff led. But I think he is supposed to be synonymous with McCabe . 

Having said that, my pathfinder, when I do get round to painting him, will be wearing a panda skin. Because... 10T.

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I may be speculating here, but aren't the Pathfinders guides for people from the Three Kingdoms coming through the mountains and the 10T portal hidden there? I kind of remember reading about that but I'm not sure where or if my brain just made that up. They are "mountain men" and it would make sense to hire people that know the area. 

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In 1st ed I believe McCabe and the Pathfinder could carry a certain number of Traps and set them. I'll dig out my old cards and get back soon.

As far as the Guild Pathfinder being dual-faction, it really doesn't make much sense, especially with the word Guild in their name. Best explanation I have from memory is that they like to live out in the wild, generally for as long as possible, coming in to settlements to trade and restock. I think the dual-faction comes into it as they'd take on extra work from nearly anyone given the right pay/incentive, and not many other Factions would really fit; Neverborn and Ressers for fairly obvious reasons, and Arcanists due to Guild association. Outcasts and Gremlins would make some sense, but aside from probable cultural/language barriers 10T would be the most likely across all of the Masters in those Factions.

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