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expand rasputina crew with other arcanist pieces crews


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Rasputina really likes to stick with her own crew, so anything Frozen Heart is a good choice (especially December Acolytes, Silent Ones, and Snow Storm).  You could get Ramos' box for Howard Langston, who doesn't have much synergy besides being really killy.  Same with Ironsides for The Captain (strong model and good pushes) and the Oxfordian Mages (more spells).

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Sandeep is a complicated master. However, minions like the December Acolytes and your Ice Gamin would definitely find a home working with him. With his Gamin summons and crew box, he can build up some force multiplication effects that will have the Acolytes and Silent Ones shooting with :+fate (bring the Arcane Conflux Emissary for another :+fate) on the attack. He calls for academics and minions for the most use out of him, so at some point you'll want to pick up Oxfordian Mages.

His box by itself is not really table-ready. Banasuva is a 8SS Minion who must be summoned, cannot be hired. So that leaves you with a 7SS Henchman and 15SS in Poison Gamin, plus your upgrades. A box of Oxfordian Mages with their wards and Temporary Shielding add another 15 stones to the crew, which gets you towards something more playable. Those Gamin you'll probably only hire 1 of, so that you have the choice to summon them if you need them. Outside of new purchases, if you were to drop in the Blessed, you would be adding a good damage track beater that wouldn't get to use all of the things that Sandeep can do, but doesn't need to.  I already mentioned Silent Ones and December Acolytes, as well as Ice Gamin. If you need scheme runners or you want to employ some area denial, and Ice Dancer would still be good at what she does.

So you could put him on the table with the Frozen Heart models that you're familiar with and start working on what it is he does and what order he does it in.

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With all Frozen heart models, you could segue a couple different ways fairly naturally.

First would be Colette, You have showgirls in the ice dancers already, and Colette plays quite well with December Acolytes and Silent Ones.  Cassandra too plays quite well with Silent Ones, borrowing their CA action.  Colette being a scheme marker heavy crew can cover schemes and strats that can be weak for Rasputina.  Casandra can provide a tough, speedy model to a Rasputina crew, Mannequins could pair with Ice Dancers, and expanding beyond the box: Angelica can provide more movement buffs, and the new Carlos Vasquez has flame pillars that might combo well with Rasputina for area control.

Second would be Marcus, mostly because you've already got  a beast or two with the Frozen Heart models.  Marcus crews can get more in your face beaty than Rasputina's can, and thus might field better in certain schemes and strats.  Marcus doesn't mind the Acolytes either.  Miranda can come party in a Rasputina crew that wants the Blessed of December for a point cheaper.

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Colette's a solid add and she can make great use of your existing models. As your collection gets deeper (or your willingness to expand the collection increases), revisit Sandeep. He's complex, but has some very interesting things that he does. I played him into a summoning Dreamer this past weekend, and the activation control and sheer volume of options was staggering. Both of our crews were dramatically increasing the complexity of scoring points.


If you don't have it already, I would suggest putting the Arcane Emissary on your wishlist. Its 10SS cost is lower than our other staple beaters/controllers (Joss, The Captain, Howard Langston all end up around 12-13 stones when fully loaded), it's only an enforcer, so it doesn't reward opponents as much in certain strats/schemes, yet still can work Hunting Party (and similar schemes) for us very well. That summoning Dreamer game had Hunting Party in the scheme pool, and the Emissary got me all three VP from that scheme by itself.

Its Elemental Conflux (Rasputina only) gives you access to a Frozen Heart node that can be used even when engaged, as well as a (0) action that you can use to push the Emissary out of engagement (in order to charge in again) while simultaneously pulling another model closer to the scrum. Its Illusive Conflux (Colette only) gives it a teleport and allows Colette's crew to use it as a scheme marker for their actions (Disappearing Act, Seduction, etc.) without being discarded. The Arcane Conflux (any Arcanist leader) gives your minions bonuses and lets you manage your control hand a little more at the cost of a soulstone.

Outside of its 0SS upgrades, it can also take Enforcer-friendly upgrades from the Arcanists' arsenal, but more importantly, it's amazing on the table.

Flesh and Metal, by the way, is your ticket to Cassandra/Snowstorm/Blessed of December getting some extra work done. Cassandra already got a lot of work done, but now she gets an out-of-activation action. Like how hard Snowstorm hits? Do it again, with feeling.

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