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Any 1AP charges?


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I kind of hope that Arcanist never get access to 1 AP charges on anything standard *Minion, enforcer, and what not* if only because of Colette.  A 3" push followed by a 1 AP charge would be terrifying on all but the weakest of models, more so if you consider she could push them out of combat then charge for the 1 AP.  Basically turn 3 AP into 6 AP worth of attacks for what ever has the 1 AP charge.  On Marcus or certain out of factions hires you can at least limit it to prevent this set up.

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1 hour ago, EnternalVoid said:

I kind of hope that Arcanist never get access to 1 AP charges on anything standard *Minion, enforcer, and what not* if only because of Colette.  A 3" push followed by a 1 AP charge would be terrifying on all but the weakest of models, more so if you consider she could push them out of combat then charge for the 1 AP.  Basically turn 3 AP into 6 AP worth of attacks for what ever has the 1 AP charge.  On Marcus or certain out of factions hires you can at least limit it to prevent this set up.

That's exactly it. As every model is considered for adding to our/any faction (or infiltrated in for some masters), it has to be balanced against what exists already in faction and who can hire it. Infiltrated models are easier because their way in is dictated by the crew's master, which eliminates the most dangerous force multipliers right off the bat. For models coming in, however, we have to consider what they will do with what we already have (and a prompting Colette is one of the things to be wary of) and whether or not the cost fits. What is the trade off and limiting factor?

Asami's ability does damage to her to launch her oni at someone for 1AP. This is intended (and used effectively) for launching oni from summons, but can be used to try and get more shots in with a beater oni if it wasn't just summoned in. While she can heal herself, there's a cost associated with it and it only works for Oni within :aura4.

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