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Zipp and crew trick ideas


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Has anyone come up with anything interesting to try yet?  I have one involving an iron skeeter making bayou gremlins explosive as Som'er summons them in, but haven't thought up enough tricks involving his crew yet, necessarily.  Something to capitalize on all the blocking terrain you can have up the board, possibly.  Mancha and Sparks could be good expensive additions, so Mancha can be given the Ram he needs for finishing move after other models help paralyze high priority targets, but that idea relies on a lot of things falling into place, so probably nothing I'll try outside of just having fun with it.

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If you're specifically looking to give Mancha Roja suits, Som'er is probably a better bet there than Sparks + Earl Burns. Or Lenny if you just want the Ram (although if you just happen to take those models for another reason it seems fair). But he does have a fun combo with Zipp - Noxious Smoke is Impassable iirc, which means you could drop one in base contact with Mancha Roja to give him his Cg 12 wherever he is.

I also wanna use that chucking explosives upgrade to throw on a cheap disposable gremlin and then have that gremlin use Y'all Watch This! to explode themselves even more... actually, would that work? I've only heard descriptions of it and not the exact text. (Oh, or Pere Ravage could do it that would be rad)

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I don't want to do exact wording and aggravate Wyrd, but basically it's an attack action that can be taken once per turn.  Put a condition on a model that does 2 to the model and then :pulse2 for 2 damage.  If the model dies, it's 4 damage on the pulse instead.Should work just fine on a target with that upgrade, and Pere as well.

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The Somer plus his gremlin explode plus the dynamite just sounds funny. Throw Sammy in there for a summoning engine, and a pigapult with stuffed piglets and you're set lol. 

I'm excited to see what iron skeeters and burt can do. Throw in a few big pigs and you have a burt and pig (via Burts trigger Sic Em or whatever it's called) delievery system.


In the crew itself, Im very interested in sparks and mech pig with him.  (Enough so that a campaign game I'm starting with sparks building into Zipp)

Without him on the field though,  I'm not sure,  but I wonder if using the Iron Skeeters, hog whisper (or ulix), and piglets might be good together.  

Fly up with two of the skeeters, each carrying a piglet, drop piglet off in the back of enemy lines.  Charge,  call em back with the hog whisperer. Kinda like back in 1st edition with somers skeeters and the good old air traffic support. 

I dunno, just quick thoughts. :)

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9 hours ago, Four_N_Six said:

If the model dies, it's 4 damage on the pulse instead.Should work just fine on a target with that upgrade, and Pere as well.

Ah well if it's when it's killed and not when it's sacrificed it won't work with Show Off :c Probably for the best tho given that 7 irresistable damage seems like a very good trade for a Bayou Gremlin.

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Poorly Handled Explosives works on either the condition ending (less damage) or the model being killed (higher damage). Ya'll Watch This (Show Off upgrade available to any Gremlin) is a Sacrifice effect so the two can not be stacked.

Pere Ravage's Explosive Demise however can be stacked with Poorly Handled Explosives (but not Ya'll Watch This) as his Explosive Demise activates on Killed (not Sacrificed). So potentially 8 damage in an :pulse 2 pushed from two sources (so Armor reduction kicks twice). I would expect this to receive an errata sooner rather than later.

Neither of these works with Stuffed Pigs.

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