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Limited Resources


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without access to the bestiaries in fma/its etc for the monsters and encounters, I'd suggest looking at your malifaux collection, what models do you have, who would make a good antagonist/mission giver, what minions can you throw against them? Work with what you have, read the fluff around those characters and see where it meets your fated's destiny steps, then start writing your story from there:)

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1 hour ago, Ampers&nd said:

without access to the bestiaries in fma/its etc for the monsters and encounters, I'd suggest looking at your malifaux collection, what models do you have, who would make a good antagonist/mission giver, what minions can you throw against them? Work with what you have, read the fluff around those characters and see where it meets your fated's destiny steps, then start writing your story from there:)

This is sound advice. I would only add that you could use the stats from your models/NiR to make your own adversaries.  Take the stats for that zombie, and give it some armor and a buzz saw,(use the damage for a decent blade from the Fated almanac) call it a foresting construct.

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okay, very limited resources! Take a look at the small one offs in wyrd chronicles then, either use the as is or steal the characters for tour own ends. You could also put a shout out to your local community see what spare stat cards they have (if they've been playing a while there'll be a fair amount:))

failing all that- write your story, then just make stuff up to fit it. In the player creations section you'll find some original creations from players, and I'll be adding more at some point:)


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While I can in fact understand the desire to run penny dredafuls for the amazing story, pre-made encounters, and awesome little insights into the world of malifaux, I'd suggest that in time, you analyze the ones that are out there in order to start crafting adventures in malifaux of your very own!

Also I can't help but echo Amp's suggestion, local playgroups can accumulate extra cards like crazy, so if you have access to those, or any of malifaux's core books, you can essentially treat those as a king-sized bestiary. same thing goes, if a player has any of the books for Mali 2.0, they serve as excellent jumping off points for not only potential encounters, but the vignettes serve as great examples for how the world of malifaux plays out day to day.

past that, the best advice one GM can give another is that improvisation is the king of Roleplaying. players get into character by thinking of how their character might react to the world, and a fatemaster's equivalent is getting into the mindset of how the world might react to the characters.

Either way, best of luck with your group!

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