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Hi guys,

my name is Paolo and I am going to start to play malifaux!

This is the second time I play a miniature game (the first was infinity, Nomad faction) and I am trying to understand which crew can satisfy my game style.

Generally speaking, I like more a game style based on tricks and strategy than a "go ahead and destroy everything you find".

I love the dreamer, but in my group there are just two player that use that crew.

I also like Marcus and Tara.
Can you give some opinion about these crews?

According to my game style preference, can you suggest me some other master?

Thank you, and excuse me for my bad english :)

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Neverborn is definitely a good faction for relying on tricks, but it sounds like it is already popular where you are. Don't let that discourage you though, there are a number of different Masters available within the faction other than The Dreamer who are also very tricky. I am not super familiar with Marcus, but I've been taking a look at him recently and I feel he might also be a good choice. He also has a wider hiring pool that you might find attractive (if you wanted to get/paint certain Neverborn models like Waldgeists or Silurids). 

Tara is somewhat complicated, but one of the most common strategies is tossing some scary model into the void and then flinging it deep into the opponent's crew at the end of the turn. She also has a lot of fast/slow and bury shenanigans in general. I personally go back and forth on whether or not I like her.

Most of the brand new masters from Ripples of Fate seem to be on the trickier side of the game as well. Nellie brings a lot of tricks and control to the Guild (who usually tend to solve problems by shooting things in the face repeatedly). Titania in Neverborn also looks to be something you might find appealing. 

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Hi everyone! Thank you for your answers, now I have many other information that help me in the choise.

I read some crew/master profiles on internet, and I still found Tara as an interesting option.

I saw also:

- titania. But I really don't like the miniature...

- nellie. She seems very interesting! I am really curious to read something more when her profile will be available.

- brewmaster and zoraida are both funny (at least according to their profile description). I don't love gremlin faction, but I will read something more on this two master.

There are too much possibilities in this game: I really foresee a very difficult choice!!

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On 8/7/2016 at 11:03 AM, Doc84 said:

...I am trying to understand which crew can satisfy my game style.

Generally speaking, I like more a game style based on tricks and strategy than a "go ahead and destroy everything you find".

I love the dreamer, but in my group there are just two player that use that crew.

I also like Marcus and Tara.
Can you give some opinion about these crews?

According to my game style preference, can you suggest me some other master?

I might also throw the man with the biggest hat in to the ring. Som'er can be a very tricksy Master/ crew given his versatility. While a "go ahead and destroy everything you find" approach can work with him you are generally better served by playing a bit more cerebrally. He brings a lot of options and can be played in a staggering number of ways. I would argue that only a very small handful of Masters (perhaps 3 or 4) are as versatile as he is; and win or lose he has always been fun and engaging to play (this is why I have stuck with him for close to 7 years now).

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4 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

I might also throw the man with the biggest hat in to the ring. Som'er can be a very tricksy Master/ crew given his versatility. While a "go ahead and destroy everything you find" approach can work with him you are generally better served by playing a bit more cerebrally. He brings a lot of options and can be played in a staggering number of ways. I would argue that only a very small handful of Masters (perhaps 3 or 4) are as versatile as he is; and win or lose he has always been fun and engaging to play (this is why I have stuck with him for close to 7 years now).

My primary opponent plays Som'er. I can vouch he's a lot of fun and can do quite a lot competently. You just have to be ready to roll with the chaos, as there will be a lot of it - if you like an ordered, disciplined, predictable performance.. you ought not play Grems. If you're in it for seatof-your-pants trickery and memorable moments - so many memorable stories happen when Som'er and Crew get involved - then yes, he'sa great choice.


Noooooot fun to assemble,however. At all.

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Strongly disagree with the common misconception that the Gremlin's are "chaos". Som'er in particular has many very good tools for controlling or negating that chaos and keeping the crew "ordered, disciplined, predictable performance." Now if he isn't on the table then yes the Gremlins and Pigs can quickly get out of hand, though with experience even this isn't that bad.

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First of all, thank you for all your replies. Many of those help me to know some Masters that, at a first time, i didn't consider. 

I also read the Topics regarding Tara (i really love her, but I dislike the other resurrectionst models....), Marcus And som'er. 

I decided to wait the new masters description to take my decision, in order to make my choise even more difficult than now :)


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On 8/11/2016 at 0:37 PM, Wolfpact said:

My primary opponent plays Som'er. I can vouch he's a lot of fun and can do quite a lot competently. You just have to be ready to roll with the chaos, as there will be a lot of it - if you like an ordered, disciplined, predictable performance.. you ought not play Grems. If you're in it for seatof-your-pants trickery and memorable moments - so many memorable stories happen when Som'er and Crew get involved - then yes, he'sa great choice.


Noooooot fun to assemble,however. At all.

Aaaaaaaand, I just got given the Som'er box to start with.  And yes - was also given this warning about the many, many small fiddly bits.  Damned Skeeters...

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On 8/11/2016 at 4:04 AM, Wolfpact said:

Honestly, do what I did - review all of the Masters until you find one that just screams 'damn, that's cool.'


Pick that one.

Choosing the coolest or whatever Master is one way to go, but I think that - if you're a cheap bugger like me - once you find the Master that makes you think "Awesome!", check out the rest of her/his faction to see whether there's anything else in there that you like.  The tournament structure in Malifaux (as I'm sure you know), is that you turn up with your chosen Faction and then you pick which crew to take once you've seen your opponent's Faction, and the Strat & Schemes.  This means that you'll want to have a couple of Masters to choose from within that Faction, as well as a decent pool of models.

Now, maybe you never intend to play tournaments, and that's fine, but the take-away idea is that there are lots of synergies between models within a given Faction, and one particular model may work awesomely and in a different way, with a different Master.  There's also lots of synergies that cut across Factions as well, but don't fret that one right now.

The real problem, is knowing where to stop...  ;-)  I've got the Gremlin Master, Som'er Teeth Jones, and I also want Wong, Zoraida and The Brewmaster.  I'll probably end up getting the Ophelia and Mah Tucket crew boxes just for a couple of the models they contain (Rami and Trixiebell), and by that stage the only Masters I WON'T have bought will be Ulix!! (Oh - and now also Zipp).  Nuts.  Then there's the fact that Zoraida is also Neverborn, and Brewie is also Ten Thunders, and all of a sudden you have footholds inside those Factions as well!  It's insidious madness...  ;-)

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4 hours ago, Bazlord_Prime said:

Choosing the coolest or whatever Master is one way to go, but I think that - if you're a cheap bugger like me - once you find the Master that makes you think "Awesome!", check out the rest of her/his faction to see whether there's anything else in there that you like.  The tournament structure in Malifaux (as I'm sure you know), is that you turn up with your chosen Faction and then you pick which crew to take once you've seen your opponent's Faction, and the Strat & Schemes.  This means that you'll want to have a couple of Masters to choose from within that Faction, as well as a decent pool of models.

Now, maybe you never intend to play tournaments, and that's fine, but the take-away idea is that there are lots of synergies between models within a given Faction, and one particular model may work awesomely and in a different way, with a different Master.  There's also lots of synergies that cut across Factions as well, but don't fret that one right now.

The real problem, is knowing where to stop...  ;-)  I've got the Gremlin Master, Som'er Teeth Jones, and I also want Wong, Zoraida and The Brewmaster.  I'll probably end up getting the Ophelia and Mah Tucket crew boxes just for a couple of the models they contain (Rami and Trixiebell), and by that stage the only Masters I WON'T have bought will be Ulix!! (Oh - and now also Zipp).  Nuts.  Then there's the fact that Zoraida is also Neverborn, and Brewie is also Ten Thunders, and all of a sudden you have footholds inside those Factions as well!  It's insidious madness...  ;-)

Oh I know. I started 'Born. Had to diversify a bit because my regular opponents were about to rage over Pandora and Lynch. (My Born setup is those two's boxes plus a Ganger, a Teddy, and Beckoners; I intend to expand after a bit).


Being honest, that's why I didn't end up starting with Seamus-loved him since I first looked into the game, but was mostly lukewarm on the other Ressers overall, whereas I've got interest in almsot all of the 'Born. Ditto 'Tina and the Arcanists.


Only faction-hopped to get a good shooter and because I'm a total sucker for Westerns, and Parker fed that combination handily.


But tournaments.. eh, less a lack of desire more a lack of any available.

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I've been lucky - there's a very dedicated Henchman one hour's drive from me, and he's trying to get one tournament a month organised. Makes sense for me to go up there if i can get 3 games in and meet people too :-)

I bought Tara initially, but found her a bit daunting, and I've realised the rest of the Outcasts - and most of her other faction, the Rezzers - aren't my thing just now.

Gremlins!! Now, THEY are my thing!! 

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It seems that there are a lot of gremlin lovers in this post :)

Thank you bazlord for your opinions. At first I didn't consider the opportunity to buy more masters from the same Faction. With this in mind, I think I will exclude Tara from my pool of choice. I really love her, but I don't like anyone else of both resurrectionst and outcast models. 

From this point of view, maybe the arcanist is the best choise, because both Marcus and Sandeep come from this Faction. 

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