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Enforcer Brawl Imbued Energies?


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Hey all, I have a game of Enforcer Brawl going on tomorrow and I just had a quick question to see if you all agree with how I'm reading this or not.  So if I put Imbued Energies on my Enforcer, do I get to draw 4 cards each time they die or is it just once?

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If you die in a round, you'll get to draw 4 cards, and when you place your enforcer in the next turn, he/she's got the upgrade to use again. For as long as the game goes, you'll be able to draw 4 cards if you haven't discarded imbued energies and your enforcer dies. That being said, it's usually a take-and-discard for fast on Howard, as it puts him on the gratuitously superfluous side of overkill with 3 general AP and nimble.

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Lol I actually took Envy+IE and died 5 of the 6 rounds, ended up being the cheapest model on the board so bonus points for kills and first wounds and my initiative rolls were super low which ended up being a good thing as every time I was engaged I'd get killed and I could place out of combat again with 8 cards instead of 4 haha, even with my 5 deaths I had a score of +5 coming in at a rank of 5th out of 8 (the winner had an Ice Golem with Imbued Protection that only ended up dying once with a score of +11).

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