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Wicked Dolls of Wickedness


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I'm curious if anyone has found any use for these little devils.   I only use them when I'm playing Collodi, there's a scrap marker around, and I feel like summoning something else...

Any awesome stories or combos that I'm somehow missing?

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I find them useful as scheme runners with Zoraida (doll factory) and Collodi.
With both lists I take the widow weaver making them a renewable resource or scrap to save up for Teddy.

With Collodi if you've taken the Arcane Effigy and have set up the whirling ball of death they are great as you've now added poison and burning to every attack you make.
With both Collodi and Zoraida they are great for healing your stitch together and giving them positive flips from Obey. 

I've also considered taking Lucius for a midnight stroll with the weaver but haven't got round to it and find it hard to move from fluffy to thematic lists.
but having Lucius obey + focus + positive attack flip could make certain models much scarier...in theory.

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Widow Weaver gives them +1 WK if they started their activation within 6" of her.

I imagine (in a Collodi crew) mobbing a target with two or more Wicked Dolls for poison, and then pulling your Performer away from Strats/Schemes to do a quick Siren's Call + Sip of Wine would make for a quick combo.  Two triggers on two separate attacks have them moving or placing 2" or 6" after damaging... but these movement tricks seem to be better suited for letting them jump out from hiding or retreat again (especially due to Height 1 behind cover) rather than set up a fast moving strike team (because let's face it, they are kind of list-filler/cheap summons that aren't going to shine for more than one round in a game, and even then only as a pack/mob).

I'm playing three of them as list filler later today (while I finish painting some new stuff) with three advance-deployed Bayou Gators, mostly for healing that gives next out of activation attack (Obey!) a plus flip (which with Gators has you crossing your fingers for crows).  I'll let you know how they do/additional thoughts after-game.

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Forward deployed gators were the stars of the match, denied a 4 hound McCabe list (brutal emissary, wastrel and two austringers) pretty well because it was corner deployment and gators were between them and the centerline - Ended up losing 3-5.

Widow Weaver never got poison off and the Wicked Dolls never ganged up on anyone, both unexpected.  They seemed stronger than I'd expected in combat but very flimsy (one austringer activation, three times, was responsible for removing all three dolls).  They played very much like Sorrows where they'd target an enemy 8 inches away, then place in base with them and suddenly be contesting the objective.

As generic "list filler" they exceeded my expectations.

Oh and they were too busy to heal anything for an out-of-activation plus flip all game.

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