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Colette partner, 2 Master tournament


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Hi,. I have a friend that is just getting into malifaux and has colette's crew and a few other models. We are going to be running a 2 master tournament and he is looking for a good master to compliment her. 

Since her crew is exceptional at scheme running I assume Something a little beatier would be better. He likes Marcus and Mei Fang if they work

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Marcus or Ramos would be your best be imo, depending on the strats/schemes.

Ramos would be almost a free win in Recon/Inter, especially with Mech rider, and is reasonably strong in everything else. Go a more construct focus, run schemes with spiders, and have Colette prompt everything dead with Howard/Joss/Duet, with Ramos giving out +Flips to attack, and healing or buffing defense, depending on what's needed that game. If you need shooting/blasting, Lazarus and Envy are pretty solid choices as well

Marcus is just good all around, and there's nothing saying Colette can't prompt a master ;). There's some big scary beasts out there that Colette would enjoy prompting.

Actually, on the line of prompting masters, Raspy could be interesting. Set up right, she could get 6 attacks off a turn (7 with Cassandra), which could blast their whole crew off the board. That's a perfect situation, but def fun to think about.

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